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Poems Of Depth
Poems Of Relfection

Poems Inspired by Nature

Creation can inspire unimaginable beauty when the eyes of a man or woman open themselves up to the world around us. Waterfalls live even though they do not breathe, when a young boy stumbles upon their cascading beauty. Sunrises inspire moments of reflection while sunsets capture the hearts of young lovers in bliss. My quest as a humble poet is to capture moments inspired by nature and somehow find the words to honor their beauty.

"Quiet moments of peaceful slumber
come to us in resting moments
of undisturbed thoughts"

A Snowy Cove

I sit upon my bench in the midst of a winter’s snow,
Under the weight of thousand snowflakes I rest comfortably.

Beautiful silence surrounds me,
A blanket of purity, undisturbed, sits below my feet.

I wish to spend a lifetime in the moment,
Admiring the view,
Taking nothing for granted,
The moment may never present itself again.

The calm within the moment balances me,
Speechless my desire to maintain the stillness speaks volumes,
The flakes begin to pile upon the top of my feet,
My presence begins to blend into the background.

I sit upon my bench in the midst of a winter’s snow,
Under the weight of thousand snowflakes I rest comfortably.

I do not wish to depart but I must journey on,
So I carefully glide along the crest not wishing to disturb the scene,
Serenity awaits the next traveler,
I leave with a smile and my memories firmly in place.

The Rain

(will be included in Poetic Journeys)
Leftover raindrops drip ever so slowly past my open eyes,
With each drop I am reminded of my birth,
They almost seem like tears as they fall into my lap,
While many choose to hide in comfort,
I lay quietly, in solitude, enjoying every drop,
Thunder claps in the distance,
After every clap there is silence,
Even those passing by take notice,
Not of me but of the glorious sky,
The clouds stretch from earth to heaven,
The drops fall from where I do not know,
Nor does my simple smile,
My palms turn towards the drops,
When I close my eyes I can feel each one of them,
Dancing undisturbed upon the lines of my hands,
My days have weathered me beyond youth,
The rain gives me another chance to begin,
In the drops I feel life,
In the silence around me I hear life beginning,
The leaves begin to blow in the tempered wind,
Grasping onto their home, hoping to hold on,
The birds take shelter in every nook,
Calling out in hope to find a mate,
In the distant sky,
Far beyond my vision,
The sun struggles to part the sea of clouds,
In waiting I smile enjoying the rain falling upon me,
The day begins to give away to the night,
Still I remain loyal to my heart,
In the end my loyalty will be rewarded,
For in between the falling drops,
A star will emerge,
Miracles occur in the simplest moments,
Even those spent in the mist of the falling rain.

All Around

I close my eyes,
Breathing deeply,
I feel your presence,
Such beauty,
I kneel in honor,
You speak through the wind,
You caress me,
Much like a lover,
Even in motion I sense stillness,
Simple moments of admiration,
For I call out to you,
You answer with tears,
Tears in the shape of raindrops,
Rain upon me,
I ask that you smile tomorrow,
For today I only ask to be your shoulder,
Falling to the ground,
I fall in honor,
Claps of thunder can be heard in the distant sky,
Even in chaos I sense stillness,
Through the raindrops I see a small bird,
Basking in your glory,
Two doves land just feet from me,
They drink from a collecting puddle,
In their reflection we see purity,
In their presence I find respect,
In your honor I do not disturb them,
Just allow me to sit quietly,
Rain upon me,
Let me feel your tears,
Show me the way,
For I only ask to be unnoticed,
I ask that you smile for me tomorrow,
Those who do not see your beauty,
See only in blindness,
You caress me,
Much like a parent would,
Allow me to speak of your glory,
Give me the words to speak,
How do you describe a waterfall?
What about a rose?
How do I speak of something so delicate?
How do I speak of you?
I only wish for others to see,
So they to know of your tears,
I lay in stillness,
With rain falling upon me,
Asking myself,
How can we act in blindness?
Maddening blindness,
Can we find reason?
Love for a lost parent,
Appreciation for defenseless beauty,
Reason to heal your wounds,
Closing my eyes,
I breathe deeply,
With tears upon my lips,
All I can do is smile,
In honor of you,
IN honor of your glory.

The Rising Sun

The morning sun rises in the distance,
Waking me from my restful slumber,
The morning chill grounds me,
Wrapped in my blanket I just sit,
Watching the world around me awaken,
The morning dew decorates the soft grass below me,
My small cup of tea warms my hands,
A gust of wind tickles my cheeks,
They glow with a deep red,
The birds begin to call in soothing melodies,
Their melodies begin to melt away the dew,
A drop falls from the blade next to me,
Like a clap of thunder a single drop crashes,
Small ants begin their short journey,
With a smile I take in the moment,
My childish grin speaks volumes,
As the world arrives in its glory,
Single drops of ice fall from my nose,
The chill still surrounds me,
In the distance a rabbit scurries by,
Interrupting my quiet moment,
He borrows himself in for a nap,
Colorful leaves decorate the horizon,
Rainbows of autumn fall all around me,
The light wind keeps them from crashing,
A small spider weaves his bed just feet from me,
He weaves in beautiful, deliberate motions,
Without noticing me he continues,
The world continues without noticing me,
Leaves begin to cover my naked feet,
The sun continues to rise ever so slowly,
My day remains in wait for its beginning.


Rolling winds blow upon short hills,
With sunshine standing tall in shadows,
Rain falls upon my naked hands,
Kissing the sky my smile grows,
Hold me, my little friend made of nature.

Blades of creation support my tired legs,
We grow just as flowers bloom in the spring,
Crickets wait in the coming darkness,
Night begins to climb upon the horizon,
Hold me, my little friend made of nature.

Winds of falling rain warm me,
Droplets of water refresh my fading spirit,
Flowers reach for birth in sprinkles,
Life blooms within my open eyes,
Hold me, my little friend made of nature.

Tired I lay upon the soft ground,
My bed waits for me in covered walls,
Sleeping the stars shine brightly above,
The crickets roar in peaceful tunes,
Hold me, my little friend made of nature.

My Bed

Crashing waves cover my still body,
Sand runs through my little fingers,
Raindrops litter the receding wave,
Water of white covers me in warmth,
The sea roars upon my still body,
Little creatures tickle my ticklish feet,
Shells sound off in complete unison,
Seagulls glide above my wide eyes,
Clouds sail just above my open arms,
I lay in quiet, peaceful happiness,
Hoping for another wave to crash,
Colliding with nature, I find beauty,
Resting upon the ground, I sleep.

The Beach

Flowing water runs in one direction,
The water reflects the glowing sunshine,
Ducks float upon the calm water,
The wind tickles upon my soft neck,
Chills run from my waiting toes,
The trees dance in the lazy wind,
Cold water rushes upon my sitting feet,
The sand sits as my little bench,
My soul grows in every waking moment,
Everything I am blows in the crinkling leaves,
The clouds puff in images of beauty,
Sitting, the moment reflects in me,
My eyes capture the crashing waves,
The beach consumes my every thought.

Poems of Depth

Poems inspired by truth, beyond what we are taught, are poems inspired through depth. Poets and artists have, since the beginning of time, challenged the status quo by questioning perceived truths. Poems inspired by depth do not hold judgment within them but instead question the reason for such judgments. Poems inspired by depth do not celebrate a person's outer beauty but instead explore the inner beauty of those who have been judged without merit. My hope as a poet, inspired by depth, is to inspire you to see a new truth.

In Honor of Depth

(will appear in Poetic Journeys)
If I was a short man I could still have depth,
Even more so then an empty man of stature,
Depth does not come from size,
Nor can depth be measured,
For a woman of depth must have a soul,
A child of depth must have vision beyond sight,
A man of depth must have heart beyond desire,
Being a person of depth does not make us better,
Only wiser for without depth there is little vision,
In honor of depth I look beyond myself,
In honor of depth I care for those I do not know,
In honor of depth I tear for those whom I love,
With depth there is an understanding of everything else,
We see the words behind every headline,
With depth there is a desire for something more,
A desire to bring joy to the voiceless,
Bring laughter to the faceless,
In depth there is everything but the cosmetic,
There is no reason to know your enemy,
No reason to know your friend,
In depth there is only light,
In honor of depth I care for those I do not know,
In honor of depth I tear for those whom I love,
In honor of tomorrow I reach beyond myself,
For in honor of depth I will only know success.

Silent Drops

Raindrops fall from heaven,
As the souls of true warriors speak to us with a blessing of silence,
As men of little courage speak of courage without admitting to their faults,
They stand upon podiums looking down upon their people,
As if they hold a place amongst the angels,
There is no savior amongst our leaders, no leaders amongst our generals,
In fact we wander upon our lands without a president to speak of,
For the man behind the mask does not speak through his lips,
Instead he stands as a puppet upon a podium of perceived prestige,
With a million dollar smile and the words of his elders,
Raindrops fall from heaven,
Where have the heroes of yesterday gone?
Has the world fallen silent just because the voices of true heroes have been silenced?
Look upon your chest my friends; take notice of the raindrops covering your heart,
Allow the tears of yesteryear to drip from your hand,
Listen to the sound as they hit the earth, upon which you stand,
Even tears can speak, even raindrops can inspire,
If they fall upon the seeds of hope,
Does true hope exist within our hearts, within our world?
Raindrops fall from heaven,
As the souls of true warriors speak to us with a blessing of silence,
Only their silence speaks to those who are listening,
Only their silence speaks with inspired tones to those who believe in their stature,
We are people, souls created in the name of our god, your god,
Do not hate me for being different,
Love me for being true; love me for beating my heart, love me for who I could be,
As I hear the raindrops falling from heaven.

My Child

Find peace in your slumber my child,
Fall blissfully into your dreams,
The cold, the winter’s cold, has no place in here,
The snow only collects on the windowsill,
This is our home, for tonight, we have found a place to call home,
Find peace in your slumber my child,
I will be here in the morning.

To me, in my eyes, I see a portrait of me,
You will find glory, find honor, beyond mine,
Do not learn from me, learn from my mistakes,
Take my blanket, take my pillow,
I wish for you to be comfortable,
Find peace in your slumber my child,
I will be here in the morning.

To me, in my eyes, I see an angel,
I’ve seen a hundred sunrises,
Never have I seen any as beautiful as you,
I will brush your hair in the morning; I know mom would have,
She would have held you tighter, knew what to say, god bless her soul,
Find peace in your slumber my child,
I will be here in the morning.

I wish to have more, I only have me,
If you cry, little one, if you tear,
I will wipe the tears from your perfect cheek,
If you laugh, little one, laugh again,
I will treasure the moment, call it my greatest,
Find peace in your slumber my child,
I will be here in the morning.


In the deepest valley, drowning under a relentless tide of lost tears,
I remain dedicated to the ground I stand upon.
Life has thrown a hundred punches in my direction,
But I remain standing in honor of those who survived before me.
So many struggle to climb endless mountains,
At least I began my journey in the arms of loved ones.
The ocean provides endless miles of uneven surface,
The freedom-less promises we digest as a call for unity,
Leave us unbalanced regardless of our current steadiness.
So many live their days in constant turmoil,
Bombs explode upon famous streets in distant lands,
A child learns how to fire a gun and hate before he ever has a chance to love,
Why? Do we stand upon the ledge of chaos and smile in comfort,
Shall we rise up in the face of overwhelming odds?
Shall we challenge the course of time with simple truth?
Many consider simplicity, simple and dismiss its desire as foolish,
In the deepest valley, drowning under a relentless tide of lost tears,
I reach within the river of broken dreams,
Within my palms I see a bat without a ball.
Within my vision I see a child lying upon a cold sidewalk without a pillow.
To my left I see the moon distancing itself from a young girl’s dreams.
To my right I see a young boy being raised at the foot of a television.
Dreaming children represent freedom,
Desires represent freedom,
If a thousand tears fall upon my feet, I still may smile
, As I remain hopeful in the face of overwhelming odds,
The fact that I still remain dedicated to standing,
Means I remain dedicated to me.
One life, one world, and one dream,
Friendship, companionship, provides us with opportunity,
As does life, we may stand within a river of tears,
But our friends, our love, is never to far away,
So wade within the tides of remembrance,
But have hope in creation and tomorrow,
If not for you then for your dreams, your loves and the lives you may touch.
Foolish simplicity or honorable hope.


Beauty knows no fear,
Fearless people admire discovery.

Beauty decorates the lips of fearless people,
Their presence demands attention,
In a sea of perfectly constructed men,
Fearless people stand above perfection.

Imperfection mirrors truth,
Truth speaks directly to character.

Imperfection decorates the lips of fearless people,
Individuals constructed in the image of another,
In a sea of perfectly constructed women,
Imperfect, fearless people stand above perfection.

Perfect people admire other perfect people,
They walk in the same shoes.

Imperfect people favor discovery over imitation,
Perfect people desire approval over judgment,
They wish to be judged perfect,
While beautiful, imperfect people sit in the back being silly.


Fall upon me with your blessing disguised as rain,
Allow me to know of you,
Feel you, feel your struggle,
Walk a thousand miles in your shoes,
You gave your life to progress,
Challenged those who stood directly in your way,
Bless upon me your strength,
As so many choose to accept status as law,
Choose to accept the wall as concrete,
Even though heroes of yesterday have found ways through,
Even though you my hero have left behind doors made of glass,
So timid we are, I am, we challenge nothing,
We accept what has become normal,
Make excuses for what should not be,
Still we sit at long tables built to keep us in private,
In solitude we sit miles from progress,
In darkness afraid of the doors you have left behind,
For when we get to close we cringe in reflection,
As we must overcome our own being to challenge tomorrow,
To challenge what should never be.


Listen closely,
The sound of prancing feet can be heard,
In the distance,
Prancing innocent children,
For the clouds do not speak,
Nor do the souls of those already gone,
Listen closely for the prancing feet,
Laughter can be heard,
Smiles can be seen,
The horizon begins to glow,
Have faith, have hope,
As those who have passed before us rest,
They labored to long,
Worked harder then others,
All for they innocent children,
For the daughters of workers,
Watch for the sons of laborers,
We await the sound of prancing feet,
Prancing little feet,
For those sitting upon thrones can be heard,
For they to hear the sound of prancing feet,
The sons of laborers,
The daughters of workers,
Wishing to honor their memories,
Hoping to find peace,
For the sound of prancing feet,
Sounds much like an echo of hope,


Stand quietly next to a stranger,
Do not speak for silence is beautiful,
Stand in respect of your new found friend,
Think of him without layers, as a person,
A person who knows of sadness, who knows of love,
Strip him of his color, her religion, your judgment,
Ask her one question without knowing the answer,
We know so much without truly knowing anything,
Listen to him speak without understanding, just listen,
For she is a stranger, don’t you want to know?
We walk quietly in steps of desire,
Desire to live before dying,
We die every time we miss another chance,
A chance to discover another world absent of us,
For in every stranger there is a sunrise,
In every unique stranger there is a story, a laugh,
As friends we could have a cup of tea,
As strangers we walk in separate patterns,
As people we just sort of exist,
Exist in small one sided mirrors,
Strangers living just feet from one another,
Quietly behind closed doors of silence,
Stand quietly next to a stranger,
Long enough for them to notice,
Just long enough for them to smile,
Two strangers stand quietly smiling,
Stand in respect for your new found friend.


Ticking moments pass by without mercy,
Life keeps us focused in one direction,
Dreams allow us to believe in tomorrow,
Rain falls upon our outstretched hands,
Waking us from our daily slumber,
Fire rages within the souls of dreamers,
We only have today, tomorrow is tomorrow,
Daydreamers think of still water,
Falling naked from cliffs, we smile,
As our bodies crash through disturbed lakes,
Sinking to the bottom, daylight decorates the water above,
We smile surrounded in accomplishment, in lust,
Adventure challenges us to be someone else,
Reaching in breathless excitement for the surface,
We find joy in life; we find lust in the joy,
Ticking moments pass us without mercy,
Life keeps us focused in one direction,
Time does not allow us comfort,
Endless steps brings us to the doorstep of tomorrow,
Only fate allows us to step beyond the line,
Do not stand feet away from your dreams,
In waiting for tomorrow as tomorrow may never be,
Allow you lips to smile in lustful daydreams,
Do not settle in accomplishment my friends,
Find reason in satisfaction; find another reason to dream,
Smiling men retire in happiness, not desire.

Many Minds

Lustful minds do not sleep in lust,
They find life in the moment,
Walking with light steps they seem to glide,
Mountains do not stand in their way,
As lustful men have endless legs,
Little men struggle with short steps,
As the remain tied to their daydreams,
Since little men do not know of lustful thoughts,
They only know of ropes made of steel,
Little men do not pretend to be men of steel,
No, supermen dance in lustful thoughts,
Never really knowing of ropes, they live,
Live without reason, without judgment,
Quiet men remain standing in the back,
Without voice they desire to be recognized,
Quiet men have quiet thoughts,
Even brilliant quiet men have brilliant quiet thoughts,
Quiet men of stature may stand taller then most,
But they only stand quiet without notice,
Lustful men speak not in stature,
They speak with action, speak with lust,
Lustful men do not crawl nor do they tiptoe,
They stand in voice, in defiance of reason,
They grow like other quiet, tiny, men do,
Lustful men find joy in victory, in success,
Lustful men live on in the minds of all who knew them,
For eternity may not grant us eternity,
But lustful men breathe in the hearts of lustful admirers,
They find life in the souls of those they leave behind.

Waking to Sleeping

The world twists and turns in small beds,
Waking with tired, tearless eyes,
Without shoes we walk with false steps,
Peeking into the shadows when need arises,
Avoiding mirrors of truth, we smile,
Destiny seems so close, so why not smile?
For fate will guide us into our warms beds,
Tomorrow seems so close but still we wake here,
In search of change we stand in place,
Looking for something more we sit in place,
For the top of the mountain remains far away,
Memories keep us grounded in lust,
Lusting for a better place, a better world,
In our passion we remain stubborn,
Crowded into small chairs we speak,
Spoken words of little faith have no voice,
For children still toil in fields of wealth,
Wealth not for me, nor them, nor you,
Starving men still raise starving children,
While men of wealth debate worthless ideas,
True change comes from true desire,
Little thought comes from debating men,
As they remain perched in the trees,
Looking down upon us with judgment,
Never in desire for their own needs,
Men of little character speak for heroes,
They do not bleed in battle, for they do not battle,
Every conflict, every debate, begins with money,
Pictures of starving men hang in empty rooms,
Waiting in need their life is debated,
By men who recess for tailored lunch,
Spoken words of little faith have no voice,
Turning in for the night, do we find comfort?


Stand in honor of those who have fallen,
Do not let warriors die in vain,
Simple men have chosen glory,
Their lives may have been taken,
But their spoken words still speak,
Soldiers march in one direction,
Thinkers do not know of just one,
Women of stature stand tall,
For we can not speak without you,
Children need to learn about yesterday,
Teach them of all we do not know,
Find life in challenge, find glory in reward,
Search in truth to find truth,
History speaks with laughter,
As fathers do not speak in fact,
They speak of what they are taught,
March in honor of those who have fallen,
Preach freedom for faceless men,
Speak for the disabled; allow them to speak for you,
Laugh with a friend, smile for a stranger,
March without direction, only determination,
As we the surviving defend honorable souls,
Within action, we the world, can find peace,
Within desire, we the many, can find life,
Stand in honor of those who have fallen,
Find glory in your love for them,
Fight for their dreams if not yours,
Your children deserve better then a struggle,
Never say goodbye to those who you love,
Keep their picture in your pocket,
When you need to leap borrow their strength,
Hold their hand in your memory,
Do anything you must to find reason,
March in honor of those who have fallen.

Two Miracles

My eyes grow wide with tiredness,
For the day has worn my smile away,
So many have passed with vigor,
While I remained a single soul, standing still,
The sidewalk knows my weight,
Even the trees recognize my sigh,
For yesterday could be tomorrow,
Just as tomorrow could be yesterday,
Some label me with unkind words,
Unspoken words in the ears of children,
Others pretend to not see me,
Even as they smile while walking by,
The sun has colored my skin,
If I was a rich then I would be fashionable,
Since I sleep in the comfort of nature,
My fashion may seem dull or worn,
Somewhere, someone is wearing my next coat,
In my dreams they may be a king or a star,
Would they recognize me enough to say hi?
Could their friendship help you to see me?
Will we ever know of such a moment?
My fashion may seem dull or worn,
But within my glazed eyes there is a heart,
No matter how many days have passed,
Some would think of me as a fool,
Others would not know my motivation,
For yesterday could be tomorrow,
While tomorrow could be unlike yesterday,
For I could be wearing a famous jacket,
Standing in my favorite spot,
Warm even in a cold wind,
Still unnoticeable to those walking bye,
I remain a single soul, standing still,
Happy to have a moment of warmth,
Waiting for someone to recognize me as a person.
Will it be you?


Hail the king for he seems tall,
How could I be me if he talks for me?
Hollow men of little character stand tall,
Half hearted they speak in false tongues,
Hobbled by nothing, they live without feeling,
Hay seems stronger then their heart,
Heroes of nothing they celebrate their name,
Helpless in their eyes they cheer our busyness,
Hate breeds from our discontent,
Headstones mark the battles lost,
Hollow men praise tomorrow for its glory,
Helpless children look for hope in the unknown,
Hail the king for he seems tall,
Heavy hearts march in defense of false smiles,
Healthy men full of life, of promise,
Here we stand in a simple crossroads,
Healthy men decorated in youth,
Hungry men full of desires,
Hail nothing for we do not stand helpless,
Hills stand tall when we remain looking up,
Hold tomorrow within your palms,
Honor speaks from truthful hearts,
Hail ourselves as kings of hope,
Helpless children remain in helpless homes,
Honor their hope with action,
Heroes see themselves as everything but,
How can we be ourselves without a voice?
Hollow men allow kings to speak for them,
Heroes speak with action, not words,
Hail all of those who have fallen before us,
Honor their fight with your spirit,
Hold their child’s hand in love,
Hail the dying kings,
For they seem shorter now.

Two Men

Voiceless men of little thought speak,
They lead without direction, only a mirror,
For they know their smile, even in the dark,
Show me a man of status, who has no friends,
Allow me to stand without thought,
For every man of power knows greed,
Greed for those who allow them to stand,
Stand upon the pillars built in iron,
Pillars protected even in rainy nights,
For those who pretend to lead with direction,
Only know one foot, one step, one thought,
They speak in tongues of compassion,
As the bury those with little belongings,
Under mountains made to be heavy,
For those who walk in privileged shoes,
Walk without struggles on even land,
Some even travel mountains only in decline,
For those with power speak to those in status,
They beg like poor men without pride,
For a pillar to stand upon in their glory,
For they beg without pride for fame,
Where they sit in reflection, in thought,
Mighty men pretending to be superheroes,
Leading without a consciousness or thought,
Of poor men to proud to beg for rest,
Tired men they may be but they carry on,
Without thought of themselves they labor,
Returning home only to leave again,
Poor men find wealth in the eyes of their children,
While men of power lead through their eyes,
Blind to the working man of little need,
For their importance remains in the hammer,
Unable to carve a stone or pillar,
They remain working men of pride,
While their leaders remain begging men,
Men in need of vision, in need of love,
For we will never find two men so different,
Yet somehow they will always remain the same,
Two men separated in life, in need,
For begging leaders still need charity,
While poor men only need a chance.

The Obnoxious Man

Walking in slumber my eyes remain closed,
Just as my ears remain silent in listening,
For those who suffer may call in pain,
But I remain happy sitting in my chair,
Holding my grin in my pocket, I laugh,
With each passing day my world grows in value,
For those who walk in my shadows seem happy,
As they work in agony pleading for rest,
But my eyes remain closed in slumber,
Just as my ears remain silent in listening,
With tailored clothes I remain dry,
Even while walking in the rain,
With every new day I find a smile,
For my standing explodes in wealth,
While those who work below me wither,
They do not call in agony or sadness,
Nor does the frown seem obvious,
For those who work for me whistle in happiness,
While I live in my dreams one moment at a time,
Walking in happiness, my eyes remain closed,
Just as my ears remain silent in listening,
For the night has given away to the day,
As I stand tall watching my withering men work,
Holding my grin in my pocket, I smile.

A Single Candle

A single candle burns slowly without fire,
For the misty rain remains a constant,
Thousand remain without light,
While a select few thrive in luxury,
They read in the light of many candles,
Wasteful they think nothing of others,
For they remain smiling and happy,
While the many fight without a clear purpose,
For they march up endless mountains,
Searching in the darkness,
For what they do not know,
They remain hungry people,
In search of one meal at a time,
They remain thirsty soldiers,
Fighting for survival, they grow tired,
They know of nothing but the fight,
Generations pass without change,
Farmers remain farmers,
While children remain working,
Who will rescue them if not us?
For the misty rain remains a constant,
Even with small children trying to smile,
For crying eyes, never dry,
When select men waste light,
For a single candle burns slowly without fire,
So who are we to extinguish the flame?


Blank faces call from the distance,
In silent words they protest,
For they know of evil,
They believe in goodness,
Even though they know nothing of change.

Silent faces walk in crowded lines,
For they seem to be like you and I,
For they walk quietly in straight lines,
Only believing in their sight,
They know nothing of thought.

Confused faces question the day,
With unwitting knowledge, they assume lies,
For they believe in nothing,
Even in nothing, they see something,
They remain skeptic until their end.

Loving faces smile in pride,
For they know of sacrifice,
They believe in togetherness,
Even in sadness, they find comfort,
They remain even after death in eternal thought.

Determined faces speak of glory,
For they find strength in the quest,
They seek truth in truth,
They fear nothing but failure,
With passion, they seek to conquer the confused.

Many faces speak with many voices,
For those who speak with passion,
Will remain in the hearts of the devoted,
For they speak not for themselves,
But for the quiet faces who remain silent.


Holding in patterns of routine,
We walk in straight lines,
Noting the rain or the sun,
For the weather may change,
However, we remain the same,
Walking in patterns of routine,
We dress in stripes if those who trail do,
We walk slower if those who lead do,
The road may change in color,
However, we remain the same,
Running in patterns of routine,
Following those who lead,
We walk quicker in rain,
As the lights, guide us home,
We scan the information cube,
Hoping to find something new,
We sit in despair, finding more routine,
The same thoughts fill every station,
Learning in patterns of routine,
We live in patterns of discipline,
In walking forward, we move backward,
Claiming tomorrow will be better,
We wake in the morning,
Feeling the same,
Looking forward without reason,
Living in patterns of routine.

Dear Daddy

Dear daddy
why do you not protect me from tomorrow,
even I know the sun is full of sorrow,
for within the eyes of the rising sun,
even it can see what has been done,
for the trees have fallen side by side,
leaving little room for the animals to hide,

Dear daddy,
why do you not heal all the little girls,
they all want to play on the tilt a whirl,
for their parents may be poor today,
does that mean they can not come and play,
for I wish I could heal them if not you,
I know there is so much for you to do,

Dear Daddy,
why do you not worry about my tomorrow,
even our days could become full with sorrow,
my shirt cost only a few pennies to make,
cause a child like me was told to wake,
he worked a twenty hour day for a dollar,
what if you were his daddy, then would you hollar.


Walking steps travel long roads,
Sunrises follow us in laughter,
We have only one day before us,
Flowers crowd the side roads,
Looking with naked eyes, we see,
See lives untouched by simplicity,
Hold your hand within palms,
Befriend those who you know,
We have only one day before us,
Travel beaches of drifting sand,
Reach for eternity, why should we not,
Love those in your circles of belief,
Love those who travel other roads,
See lives untouched by simplicity,
Show them the light of simple minds,
Love them without anger or sadness,
Love them like none before,
We live in flourishing moments,
Do not forget the simple, standing, rose,
For pedals may fall upon clear water,
But only open eyes will see such beauty.


Hearts of laughter join in circles,
While children play in joy,
Women walk hand in hand,
Smiles rally the masses of many,
Kisses fall upon waiting cheeks,
While elder men sit in circles.

Two lovers caress in the night,
Waking dreams of pure fantasy,
Lips lock in endless passion,
Dimples shine in darkness,
Love fills the empty room,
Leaving circles upon the walls.

Women conquer mountains,
Children dream of tomorrow,
Men serve breakfast in bed,
Laughter follows happy tears,
A ring fills an empty finger,
Circles peek into the soul.

Hearts of laughter join in circles,
Families grow in eternal shapes,
Never-ending, never dying,
Eyes shaped in circles live,
Laughter touches the belly,
For circles have no ending.

Neither does hope nor time.


Wrinkled shirts spotted in dust,
Working men toil in endless hours,
Whistling women sweep spotted floors,
Wonderful men lounge in luxury,
While desperate men feed starving mouths,
Wishful children hope for a tomorrow,
Wonderful men hold the strings,
While luxury soaks in bath salts,
Working men slumber in creaky bones,
Wishful little girls wish for a hug,
Wonderful little boys remain still,
Working men remain in work,
While wealthy men dine in luxury,
Whistling women sweep spotted floors,
While foul balls fall in empty seats,
Where working men remain absent,
With waiting little boys frowning,
While working men remain working.


How can we sleep in restful peace?
Hope has faded from innocent eyes,
Here we stand with knowledge of growth,
Holding tomorrow within our waiting palms,
Healing the tears of homeless children,
How can we live without dreams?
Hope lives within laughter,
Here we find life among friends,
Holding memories close to our hearts,
Healing within the hugs of family,
How can we love without understanding?
Hope has vision among grounded eyes,
Here we love with never-ending hope,
Healing the boundaries of growing states,
How could we love just one of many?
Hope brings love to those who wish,
Here we stand in waiting for tomorrow,
Healing hearts feel love in hope,
How could we forget love in birth?
Hope can bridge gaps of understanding,
Here we stand on the brink of tomorrow,
Holding hands, we find restful peace,
Healing the sins of past troubles,
Here we can find love without sorrow,
How could we forget our own tomorrow?


Oddly, we sit without movement,
Once, open arms remain closed, in madness,
Only children walk with spirit,
On quiet days we whisper,
Only leaders speak with voice,
Oddly, we sit remaining in quiet?

The question remains, who?


Wild men run free without bracelets,
Hollow men walk in defined lines,
Young children know nothing of now.

White men walk slowly through progress,
Holding thoughts of shackles at bay,
Yet we know nothing of a new day.

Wicked leaders preach of promise,
Helpless they lead without direction,
Yearning for power, they reveal a smile.

Woozy we look in every direction,
Hoping for a smile to fill the blank sky,
Youthful courage sees hope in tomorrow.

Wobbly we move in patterns of desire,
Happy kings count their collections of wealth,
Yearning for hope we look within ourselves.

Why, we must ask the leaders of today,
Why, shall we sail seas of falling water,
When calm, quiet lakes show us of beauty.


Birth begins life anew within purity,
Children live within shadows of parents,
Teach them the beauty of peaceful slumber,
Show them only truth without feelings,
Hold them close so they may live tomorrow,
Teach them, love shall conquer worlds of hate,
Give them life, for life will give them days.

Birth begins with love between two souls,
Give love, for with love miracles can be found,
Help your child walk with steps of understanding,
Give them a truth that can never be challenged,
For truth when true has no equal, or indecision,
With birth, we may find a chance to start anew,
So give life to love, within your child of birth.

The Beauty of Shades

Color runs deeply upon printed pages,
With the sins of a few told in glory,
Those who wish to lead with ignorance,
Seek the glory of their name in lights,
Whom do we know if not ourselves,
For we live not in color but in shades.

The names of those in shame speak,
While children grow without hate,
Speak to them with a strong belief,
Show them the mirror upon the wall,
Where eyes will know nothing of race,
For we live not in color but in shades.

Hold the hand of a growing child,
Talk with them without judgment,
Love does not know the color of blue,
Only red traces the hearts of beating,
Teach them without color or sadness,
For we live not in color but in shades.

A child smiles in naked beauty,
For their minds, grow with truth,
Speak to them in gentle whispers,
For respect knows no color,
Only the heart of a man will be loved,
So live within the beauty of shades.

Fire or Rain

Walls stand between people of shades,
Smiles pass by without many words,
Strangers remain strangers without purpose,
For distance fills valleys of knowledge,
As we stand among islands of solitude,
Without fire, we have nothing but rain.

Stand upon corners with open arms,
Walk upon tall buildings without windows,
For if we look within the heart we do not know,
We may find a love of strength or value,
Who amongst us does not have love within,
Without fire, we have nothing but rain.

Rise within your own little quiet steps,
If we have dreams then we have a tomorrow,
Within dreams, we have endless arms,
For strangers do not stand upon valleys,
Only men stand upon waiting dreams,
Without fire, we have nothing but rain.

Dream, for with dreams we remain children,
Without knowledge, we begin the fight,
For walls, do not stand without judgment,
With fire, we find a spark to build upon,
Without rain all that remains are smiles,
Smiles of children playing in the leaves.

My President

Images flash before me in memory,
Of a man lost in his own blindness,
For trees fall in protected forests,
While you speak of your own god,
Lost you say nothing within everything,
As drums of war beat in the distance,
Homeless children call in cries for help,
You promised children a better tomorrow.

Broken promises come from blind eyes,
My hope is that you will pray again,
For your holy prayers only speak for kings,
Where has your soul gone my friend,
Do you not see the world without borders,
Children harvest crops from trees made of drugs,
Fathers toil in factories made for capital clothing,
Do you not see beyond the capitol steps.

You dress in suits tailored in dignity,
Smiles from ignorance shine from your lips,
You ask for a world built in freedom,
Even I, just one soul ask, what is freedom,
For you know nothing of truth my leader,
Freedom has no borders if freedom is true,
Only your truth is found within your suit.

You will not fight with the sons of liberty,
Your eyes stand in defiance far from the wars,
Look in your mirror for your eyes hold tears,
Cry for even you will be held in judgment,
For the lives you sacrifice, have meaning,
As they will stand in heaven with the others,
The children you promised not to leave behind.

Trees fall in forests protected only a day ago,
You attack even those who cannot fight,
In the same manner that you ignore the lost,
The souls of America fight for pieces of bread,
While the few feed upon tables of wealth,
You pray without mercy for those in poverty.

You stand upon the founding fathers,
With no hope for change within your soul,
You preach when you should listen,
Lost, you survive through your own glory,
While children cry in lands far and near,
Questions beg to be answered but still you talk.

Wake for without your leadership we wait,
Some do not find time to be their friend,
Presidents should give their flock hope,
You give us nothing but tomorrow,
We the poor cry for you my president,
For even you will be held in judgment.

New Winds

Winds of change blow in simple minds,
Children smile with endless love,
Words fall from the lips of pioneers,
Do not forget those who have passed,
Voices of tall men, who spoke in anger,
Slowly they found love in strangers,
Winds of change blow in simple minds,
In birth countless souls find innocence,
Walk with me down roads of laughter,
Find your closed eyes to be refreshing,
Picture your love in the face of two,
Stomp with loud feet to find a ground,
For in the end we will find nothing,
If we walk quietly with only two feet.


Quiet feet stomp upon solid ground,
Winds of change blow in the distance,
Faces of children flash before us,
Worlds collide in exploding thoughts,
Hope springs in unending rivers,
For without knowledge there is no water.

Births of leaders sprinkle the horizon,
Faces may seem to hold truth,
Presidents speak from un-holy podiums,
Preachers beg for forgiveness for future lies,
For we find comfort in distance judgment,
Forgetting all who we have never known.

Where does the day begin without birth,
For sunrises, follow sunsets with no color,
Hearts find comfort in familiar arms,
Mountains stand between neighbors,
We look blind at everyday tragedies,
While children work farms of capitalism.

Do we have no choice in existence,
Quiet feet stomp upon solid ground,
Cracks appear under determined feet,
Kings speak without regard to truth,
Delegates encourage mindless people,
Down paths of singular reward.

Children grow in far off lands,
They grow in homes closer than we know,
Their eyes seem wide open in discovery,
Only the kings of the day give to themselves sight,
Without regard to the people in the back,
With regard only to their own desires.

Why do leaders remain faceless,
For their sins, remain documented,
As dollars fall only from dollars,
Like puppets we survive upon strings,
Walking the same path as our fathers,
Down long hours of misery for rewards.

Our time is ticking away in quiet,
While quiet feet stomp upon mountains,
Children grow to be men with open eyes,
For there is a better hope than acceptance,
Sons of freedom wake in cold lands,
Hoping for another day of simple warmth.

Guns do not battle those in shadows,
For those who sleep in the beds of kings,
Know the mass is quietly stomping upon solid ground,
For they do not believe in simple hope,
As they release pictures of divide for all to see,
With smiling ugly faces they live as kings.

Speaking from lips of selected leaders,
They protect all they know is their own.
Children live below trees in cold parks,
Who will fight for their innocence,
Children die as children to young to know,
Do we bury their hearts without anger.

For we look in mirrors tinted in belief,
Never knowing the names of little soldiers,
Only feeling the pain of lost parents,
Burying our fears we accept the battle won,
Within comfortable chairs we rest tired,
Smiling we know our happiness is here.

We rise in the hours of birth,
Looking in mirrors with closed eyes,
Why do we smile when children have no beds,
We sleep in the comfort of many pillows,
While children sleep resting upon rocks,
Fighting for their little smile, we sleep.

Loud feet stomp upon divided lands,
With the love of strangers embracing us,
Even in strange tongues we listen,
Mirrors crumble from bathroom walls,
As soldiers rise without guns of battle,
Thinking men wrestle with thoughts of change.

The sun rises over small forgotten graves,
The ghosts of capitalism speak from the wind,
With men marching under the beating sun,
As presidents fall from grace in many lands,
With thinking men filling the thrones of kings,
While leaderless ghosts fade in the light.

Quiet parks rise in un-ending laughter,
While armies fight with drawings of guns,
The battles of capital divide fall into vast oceans,
As the red within flags stands for many hearts,
Just as the stars return to the night sky,
Where children wish for tomorrow with hope.


Cries of freedom ring from presidents,
Soldiers march upon fields of battles,
Leaders stand upon pulpits made of nothing,
Preaching from their perfect speeches,
Nothing of freedom rings true from their lips.

Freedom lives in the hearts of thinking men,
For men in thought do not sit in quiet,
They explore paths not known by many,
Free men fall without care into oceans,
For their minds, hold no weight.

Thinking men know of a truth,
Beyond reason, there is no logic,
Only a smile born in absoluteness,
For free men walk along sandy beaches,
With their open eyes capturing the horizon.

Freedom lives beyond imagination,
Deep within the souls of wandering men,
For men lost among a forest with no end,
Have the beauty of leaves to cover them,
So their journey may be everlasting.

Men trapped within their minds,
Live day after day in constant routines,
Knowing nothing beyond their window,
They live in a country built upon freedom,
Without ever knowing their neighbors hand.

Freedom-less men shake with agreements,
Running the lives of trapped followers,
Celebrating victories of distant conquers,
While free men lust in endless forests,
Without ever even a single thought of freedom.


Leaders of freedom speak quietly,
Their words fall upon waiting crowds,
Battles fought for reasons not glory,
We stand upon a perch amongst weeds.

Silent voices ask for nothing,
So words disappear upon borders,
Freedoms lost with the order of being,
We stand upon a perch amongst weeds.

Even within the lines of country,
We find freedom falls amongst rain,
Drops of lost hope provide belief,
We stand upon a perch amongst weeds.

Snow falls upon the ground,
Giving us pictures of purity,
Even now we know are lies,
We stand upon a perch amongst weeds.

Freedom speaks with its own voice,
Like a child the stories scream,
For with its courage it finds glory,
We stand upon a perch amongst weeds.

So my thoughts are lost in wonder,
For why do we speak of freedom,
Instead of just whispering about being free,
We stand upon a perch amongst weeds.

Founding fathers spoke of freedom,
For those who they thought should be free,
Presidents speak of freedom still today,
So why do they stand upon a perch amongst weeds.


Homeless men speak to no one,
They sleep upon the earth in cold,
Without any chance of growth,
They feel nothing from the sun,
See no light amongst winter nights,
Homeless men sleep upon cold brick..

Homeless women have no beauty,
They are clowns without a circus,
Faceless amongst judgment,
They were born within God,
Their glory falls upon earth,
Where they rest their weary steps,
Homeless women wear no makeup…

Homeless couples live under shelter,
They share love to fight the rain,
Knowing the warmth of their touch,
They fall in love just below heaven,
Their lives fall apart just above hell,
Homeless couples still know love.

Homeless children live within streets,
Born from love they live in snow,
They grow without the linens of queens,
Their face seems to be like mine,
Tears run from the eyes of a child,
Homeless children sleep amongst shadows.

Homeless we knew them as people,
Long since we met their eyes with ours,
The days have passed without calendars,
Nights have dragged within their dreams,
Young smiling faces run within the park,
For homeless children still know fun.

Just People

Fading away my beautiful people,
You turn into dust lost in the wind,
Smiles with crooked teeth greet me,
Eyes of many colors see within me,
Hair a little lost shines in my eyes,
Ugly men were beautiful children.

Judgment follows all who breathe,
Depth we do not see in light,
Heart is lost in the tally,
Soul falls from the eyes of kings,
We honor false beauty of queens,
Fading away we lose something.

Walk with me upon mirrors,
For the day has fallen to night,
Judgment does not speak from love,
For those who fall into my love,
Find friendship without makeup,
For your eyes hold your window.

Within your eyes lives soul,
Bring your fears to your love,
Talk with me in simple terms,
Tell me all there is to know,
For your body holds truth,
If only you will share your heart.

Ugly children fascinate me,
For they have been lost in crowds,
Stand upon the center step,
Your life is worth a medal,
Smiles with crooked teeth greet me,
For there is a love in your grin.

Walking Amongst the Clouds

Walking amongst the clouds,
My eyes see the world,
Waiting below my tired feet.
Children cry upon their waking,
Of a lost day of innocence,
Just like so many days before.

Walking amongst the clouds,
My heart becomes weak with tears,
Shedding the false hope of freedom.
The marching bands of armies,
Ring among my quiet ears,
For their tune provides no answer.

Walking amongst the clouds,
My eyes see so many tired souls,
Walking upon the earth waiting for me….
Their lives touched by tragedy,
Judge by the many for their failures,
They ask only for where freedom rings……

Walking amongst the clouds,
Through streets named in equality,
Walls made without mirrors.
For we do not truly ever want to see,
That we are walking amongst the clouds,
Just waiting for the day we fall into the sea.

Poems of Reflection

Poems of reflection are inspired by feeling within the heart and soul of a poet. Reflective poems are, for me, the most personal as they explore my feelings of loss. They paint for the reader, a picture of a single soul standing alone, with only his heart left to enjoy. Some may hold a sadness but others hold a happiness, for without reflection we have nothing worth remembering.


Standing on the crest of a teardrop I begin to admire the view,
From the pinnacle of my heart’s desires I can see the world,
In endless appreciation, in eternal admiration, absent of true understanding,
I smile.

Standing on the crest of a teardrop I begin to admire the view,
Only from pleasure can we find disappointment,
I rose from a sea of teardrops,
I found the strength to begin again.

Standing on the crest of a tear drop I begin to admire the view,
Absent of any identifiable reasons, I smile,
I do not seek to own happiness or shelter myself from sadness,
Give me both if you must, but make sure I can smile from time to time.

Standing on the crest of a tear drop I begin to admire the view,
Some see an unlucky man as unlucky, but he once had luck, or he was just always himself,
I will never forget yesterday, forget the moments of unexplainable lust,
If you stand on the top of a teardrop you are that much closer to heaven.

Standing on the crest of a teardrop I begin to admire the view,
Everything is quiet as it should be; there is me and only me,
Reaching from the pinnacle of sadness I grasp a star tightly,
With warm wishes, and thoughtful desires I whisper into the silence.

Standing on the crest of a teardrop I begin to admire the view,
As the bottom falls, I begin my journey upward,
Falling raindrops eventually fall again,
Teardrops attest to the strength of one’s heart, only the weak hide their ability to feel sadness.

Standing at the beginnings of a smile, The sacrifices I have endured seem small in my rear view mirror,
My smile is definitive, true, and rewarding,
For I have found myself to be stronger then a falling teardrop or an endless smile.

Standing in place, somewhere between a smile and a tear,
There is me, weak and strong, admiring the view, whispering into the silence,
I close my eyes and wish upon the brightest star,
I wish to be here, on the crest of a teardrop, a tear of appreciation.

From where I stand I can only admire the view,
For in the distance, I can only see you.

A Hundred Years

There are a million things I miss,
Most of all I miss you.
Memories fade with time,
Except when they represent absolute truth.
Absoluteness begins in the soul and extends into the heart.
We can not deny truth, nor can I deny my beliefs,
A hundred years may pass but I will remain eternally yours.

Sometimes my hand seems cold for no reason,
Then I remember your chilly hands, they were always cold,
Could you be thinking of me?
My phone rings in earnest,
I do not wish to know,
My surroundings crescendos back into absolute silence and I smile knowing,
A hundred years may pass but I will remain eternally yours.

I look for reasons to forget without success,
My heart directs my emotions with determined devotion,
I wish to have you in my life as a friend.
But I have my memories of you and they serve their purpose,
I lay my head upon the ground and listen,
Your laughter soothes me,
A hundred years may pass but I will remain eternally yours.

Life will go on as will my life,
I remain grateful for the time we had,
It was my pleasure; you should know it was my pleasure,
My phone rings again in earnest,
A young rose peaks out from its mold at my feet,
The sun begins to peak from the horizon,
A hundred years may pass but I will remain eternally yours.

A teardrop falls from the sky upon my cheek,
A hundred years will pass one day at a time,
I steady myself for a moment,
My attention is focused on the horizon,
A parade of colors ushers in the morning,
For an elderly man I rise to my feet rather quickly,
A hundred years will pass but I begin again on my own.

A hundred and one days old.


The words do not come easy from time to time,
Pieces of me adorn the page set before you,
I have traveled a thousand miles without rest,
My journey is far from complete,
But yesterday weighs upon my thoughts.

It’s never easy to say goodbye to another,
But allowing a piece of your self to falter takes the strength of a thousand souls,
The clarity of tears, speaks to the heart of a person,
Sad men cry, weak men hide,
I find myself crying in seclusion.

The words do not come easy sometimes,
Pieces of me speak through my craft,
My mind has no bearing upon these pages,
I trace the windows of my heart into the lettering you read now,
And leave a kiss upon the bottom of each page.

For some reason glory does not speak in the same manner as sadness,
The tones read different, the pace seems slower,
And a part of me seems destined to grace the lines in between victories,
I never wish for someone to hug me in pity,
Instead hold my shoulder in support, and I will hold yours.

The words do not come easy sometimes,
So my light twinkles long into the evening,
In the shadow of a single candle,
Under the weight of a thousand thoughts,
I begin again in search of me.


We discovered the definition of purity together as one,
When I smiled, I smiled without a thought,
My heart smiled through my lips,
Some would call me a man of little wit,
They had no idea what was behind my smile,
I just smiled, purely smiled without explanation.

When I am old I will remember us,
Without regret, without anger I will remember,
True love never finds completion, only tears,
We built a love desired by many,
Had moments of quiet appreciation,
I remember the morning you fell asleep in my arms,
The night still seems to short,
We talked without action through silent words of admiration,
I still smile, I smile without explanation.

When I am old I will remember us,
With nervous appreciation, awkward passion, I will remember,
To me there was not another, just you and I,
Blind to my faults you took me on a journey to heaven,
Where you lay resting now,
Somehow with you heaven seems even more beautiful,
Some would call me a foolish man,
But I wait here now in waiting for you,
My smile remains; you remain a part of me.

When I am old I will remember us,
I still remember, in my dreams I remember,
We still hold hands in my dreams,
Sometimes I wake drowning in my tears but still smiling,
Sometimes I wake in advance of the sunrise,
I sit upon our porch with your chair next to me,
The sun rises over the horizon in a symphony of natural beauty,
With heaven’s rays stretching from heaven to earth,
I close my eyes and quietly remember.


Faceless children find acceptance to be a friend,
They share a common simplicity,
Find discovery to be rewarding.

Faceless children smile more then recognizable adults,
Without reason adults find differences to be frightening,
They seek to seclude themselves within comfort.

Recognizable adults speak of wisdom,
They speak of age as if they earn thought by just being,
Experience does not afford us wisdom,
The willingness to experience develops the mind.

With age comes fear or worry,
Without worry youthful hearts live in a small world defined in waiting,
With age comes the desire to settle upon a concrete spot,
Youthful hearts no matter age dream of discovery.

With age comes responsibility,
It’s the moments in between that define our true being,
Do you settle for hoping to see a sunrise?
Or do you find the need to wake early, in search of another sunrise.


I sit in an empty room.
Lost without any desire to move,
Tired, I wish to not think,
But my thoughts dictate otherwise,
My thoughts of you bring comfort, bring sadness.
Oh how I loved you, cherished you as my tomorrow.

I wish to grasp your hand in mine now,
Wish to rest my head upon your soft skin.
I wish to listen to you breathe,
Lay my head upon your heart and smile.
I wish to kiss you in the middle of the night,
Unable to see you, just feel you.

I sit upon the cold floor,
Sit while listening to the raindrops pounding upon my windowsill.
Remembering our first kiss,
Remembering my nervous, childish legs.
Shaking in fear for I felt your soul,
You smiled without fear,
I fell in love in a moment.

When I wish to cry,
I do not find myself in tears.
My memories dictate otherwise,
They feel lucky even blessed,
For you loved me if only for a passing moment,
Then you walked away,
Now I sit here in an empty room.

I still wish to cry,
But I have a purpose beyond my sadness.
I will love you from a far,
Breathe in memory of you,
No matter where you may go,
Do not forget me.

For I will carry on without you,
Love you in absence of your smile.
Cherish the moments we had,
Love you like no other,
Never will I cry,
I will smile knowing you wish for me to smile.

A Tear

If I could cry I would,
I saw you today for the first time,
I may have already known you,
But today I saw you for the first time,
In the distance you stood,
The setting sun provided a backdrop of natural beauty,
You stood with your eyes closed, enjoying the ocean winds,
I paused like an artist; my studying eye lingered in a timeless focus,
Everything fell silent, even the waves fell voiceless upon the shore,
The frigid water ran upon my feet but it could not disturb me,
I sat upon the moist sand as I had so many times before,
Waiting patiently for you to notice,
My unwavering dedication was a testament to your indescribable beauty,
How could one man be so lucky to have such a beautiful wife?
You turn towards me with a puzzled curiosity,
The water has crept up upon my legs,
You walk towards me,
My tears remain frozen upon my glowing cheeks,
You whisper silent words as I am lost within the moment,
We kiss for the first time again,
My smile speaks of my amazement,
For I have witnessed the creation of beauty within the beating of your heart.


Allow me to introduce myself.
Listen to me without speaking,
Be different then most.
My words normally fall upon deafness,
As they fall without meaning or importance,
Even those who are interested remain confused.
They do not know me nor do they find love for me,
As they sail within the oceans of life without depth,
They float along familiar surfaces,
Protecting themselves from whom they pretend to be,
They do not find truth in knowledge,
Do not find happiness in discovery,
They remain lost within their past,
So I speak without voice.
Standing within an ocean of timid people,
Never will I pretend to be stronger then most,
Nor do I think of myself in terms of strength,
Instead I find myself to be weak,
When I live within the shadows of yesterday.
Looking back I know of heartache.
Looking back I know of sadness.
Even so I carry on.
Allow me to introduce myself,
My name is not important,
Call me what you wish,
Let’s find laughter in discovery,
Find pleasure in a new beginning,
Allow ourselves to breathe again,
Be aware of yesterday my new friends,
But live within today.

Kiss the Sky

(will appear in Poetic Journeys)
In honor of you I rest upon my knees,
In waiting for your smile,
Take me from this moment,
Dry my aching tears,
For I wish to be with you,
I wish to hug you,
Protect you from the falling snow,
Never would I allow you to be cold,
Wrap yourself in my body,
My heart will keep you warm,
Give me your tears,
I will be sad enough for both of us,
If I only had one wish,
Then all that is bad would come to me,
Leaving you with a smile,
Leaving you without worry,
For I wish to be your comfort,
Rest your tired eyes upon my grateful shoulder,
There is nothing I would not give you,
To give you my life would be my honor,
You would not even have to ask,
I would quietly take my place,
In your heart, in your mind,
If I only had another wish,
Then take my life from me if you so need,
Give me eternal slumber,
Give my love eternity,
She will remember me,
All she will have to do,
Is kiss the sky goodnight,
I already found my heaven,
My reason to be,
So I rest upon the gentle stars,
And smile at my life already lived,
As with our first kiss,
I found heaven,
And a reason to wish.


Through my window I watch,
The world,
I sit quietly in wonder,
Amazed by everything,
A falling leaf,
The sound of the window,
The kisses in the raindrops,
Sitting quietly I wonder,
With my absent thoughts,
My sneaky smile,
My everything.

Through my window I watch,
The world,
Thinking of you,
My mysterious love,
I thought of you,
When I was a child,
I spoke of you,
When I was down,
You inspired me,
Inspired me to believe,
I may never meet you,
But I still love you.

Through my window I watch,
Wondering where you are,
You could be anyone,
You could be standing next to me,
Thinking of me,
We say nothing,
Our eyes meet,
We go on never knowing,
Still wondering,
You were beautiful,
If only for a moment,
I was in love.

Through my window I watch,
Wondering where you are,
You breathed, I felt it,
We parted without even a name,
I think of you,
Your deep eyes,
Every line of your body,
I trace you in the wind,
Around every corner,
I hope,
To believe in you,
Is to believe in heaven,
Through my window I watch,
Wondering where you have gone.

One Week

When you’re hungry,
Will I have the courage to feed you?
When you’re cold,
Will I have the courage to clothe you?
When I think of myself,
I smile.
As I think of myself as special,
How do you see me?
As I walk quietly past you,
Without courage,
I stroll in a hushed manner,
Unable to recognize your struggle,
Just Tuesday you stood in a daze,
I looked past you,
I felt you shivering,
What did you think of me?
As I thought nothing of you,
Just Thursday we crossed paths again,
You just sat quietly on the curb,
I heard two others commenting,
They spoke of you as something,
A possession, a hurdle,
I heard your falling tears,
What did you think of me?
Just Saturday I passed your spot,
Nothing stood where you once did,
I felt nothing,
Where had you gone?
What did you think of me?
Just Sunday I took a walk,
I walked without purpose, just walked,
With every turn I held out hope,
How far could you have gone?
Just yesterday I awoke,
Warm and comfortable,
Everything changed in one moment,
Even my thoughts of me,
No need for me to walk,
For you had taken your final steps,
A child of heaven you had returned,
Page nineteen,
A life, a story,
What had you thought of me?
You starved, you thirsted,
I passed by without courage,
You watched the sunset,
Woke in the sunrise,
I lived in blindness,
You suffered in quiet,
I lived in comfort,
Who stood taller?
What did you think of me?
When you were hungry,
Did I have the courage to feed you?
When you were cold,
Did I have the courage to clothe you?
When I think of myself,
I tear.
As I think of myself as ordinary.

Steps Away

Walking within the raindrops,
I remain determined but wet,
My journey began long ago,
As one man, one child I grew,
With all the hopes of yesterday,
My love guided me without blindness,
To the gates of heaven where I sit,
The rain still falls upon me,
Only here where I sit the rain calms me,
Never cold, just warm with memories,
Even in the rain I still smile,
For with birth comes a new,
Chances to change fall into cracks,
Valleys of acceptance make us comfortable,
Little soldiers march without much noise,
They rest in the shadows of what was,
Sitting in the rain I begin to fall,
Fall from the clouds as time remains,
We find truth in challenge,
Who we are is what we will become,
Neither the day, nor time defines us,
Crashing upon the ground I wake,
Awake surrounded by the falling rain,
Moving for cover the rain drowns the dry grass,
Mirrors of birth litter the ground,
The sun waits in the distant sky,
Days will come much like clouds,
Passing by without much notice of us,
Only we can take notice of them,
Splashing through the soaking rain,
The clouds begin to disappear,
In the distance the days begins to rise,
I stand alone in the middle of nowhere,
With so many paths set before me,
Yesterday fades into yesterday,
Today remains in mystery,
While I remain wet walking in the sunshine,
Steps away from glory, miles away from yesterday.

Just Thinking

Restless my heart remains sad,
For everything you are, I am,
We remain in love, even apart,
Quiet moments challenge us,
Our thoughts turn to one another,
Without a smile, I remain,
For your touch escapes me,
My hands remain empty,
Even in the wind,
They remain in waiting,
Who am I, without you?
Just an empty soul,
Wishing for fading memories,
For your will be my one, my only,
Like a puppy I remain waiting,
Within your smile I find a home,
My heart will remain eternally yours,
Until my eyes find rest,
For only god may take you from me,
Some would wish for another day,
While my hopes remain in forever,
How could I watch you walk away?
Restless my heart remains sad,
For everything you are, I am,
We remain in love, even apart,
Some would find my devotion silly,
My stubborn heart will remain,
Forever yours, my little bird,

Unseen Words

Just sitting quietly, alone, in pause,
My thoughts run free like the wind,
They define me, without question they are I,
Just as my smile helps those who notice, see me,
The unseen speaks to me without words,
For yesterday seems much like today,
Our past walks hand in hand with tomorrow,
For drowning souls remain drowning in tears,
Without much of a whisper my knees remain weak,
The chilly winds wakes me from my slumber,
As my eyes try without victory to close,
For within my sight remains the sky,
The stars call to me in beautiful silence,
With each twinkle they remind me of yesterday,
For when I walked patiently with careful steps,
My emotions never cared for the day,
As they remain tucked away in my empty pocket,
Only with daring moments can we find truth,
For we walk thousands of miles in shoes,
When we should walk without care with naked feet,
If we do not venture in lust, we remain empty,
For with chance comes reward even in sadness,
Even tired feet must carry on without thought,
Who are we if we do not reach for the stars?
For even sitting alone in tears seems less sad,
Then sitting alone with nothing to remember,
Empty steps made of fear cry even in the sun,
For those who remain unknown haunt us,
Just sitting alone, quietly, in pause,
My thoughts run free like the wind,
I find my thoughts enough of a reason to smile.

Distant Friend

Listen for my voice, my friend,
I may be far away in distance,
But my heart lies upon your soul,
With the care of an admiring man I listen,
I wish to hold your hand in support,
Show you of my caring nature,
Nurture your tears into smiles,
Show you of love in friendship,
Listen for my voice, my friend,
I may be far away in distance,
But my hand remains upon your back,
As a friend I support you,
So do not speak of your sadness,
For I wish to take away your thoughts,
All I can offer know is my gentle words,
And a kiss left in the wind to say goodnight.


Searching in the clouds your eyes seem beautiful,
You have walked a thousand miles to be here,
Some would call you beautiful, I just remain quiet,
From a far I am lost in my dreams of you,
You may be a stranger but I seem to know you,
Within your words I feel your spirit, your heart,
Never have I heard your voice, your laugh,
So many others have witnessed your smile,
My jealous heart honors them for they have seen a sunrise,
You wake in my dreams just as you do in your bed,
Our lives remain separated in distance,
But our minds seem to drift closer,
In my mind your eyes are decorated with laughter,
Your soul speaks through your caring touch,
You remain beautiful no matter the day or time,
With every step you take we drift closer,
With each passing day my thoughts remain,
For you have made me pause, made me think,
I knew you as a stranger, met you as a friend,
But somehow you always seemed unique.

The Unforgettable

Are there words? Shall I just smile?
I have only a moment, maybe not even one,
Something draws me to you, something unspeakable,
I have an imagination, a thoughtful mind,
I can hear you speak without words,
How beautiful you are, how beautiful you must be in your simplest moments,
The unique, the one and only, you.

Are there words? Should I even speak?
I will remember this moment; cherish this moment,
As a mere admirer, as a man drowning in his own pleasure,
You dance, move and speak with your movements.
You bounce; your lines explode, your hair moves with you,
The depth of your eyes speaks with timeless delivery; I spoke of your eyes,
The unique, the one and only, you.

Are there words? Should I pause without breath?
I seek to know, but I am to shy to be brave,
To overwhelmed to be something, anything more then a quiet, polite admirer,
A light shines upon you, stars twinkle in honor of you,
You smile and the night turns into day,
You re-define amazing, you have such life, do you see yourself as I do,
The unique, the one and only, you.

Are there words? I do not believe in words anymore.
I have come to late, come without flowers,
If I had only known, I would have carried a thousand petals in my pocket,
You are promised to another, they have no idea,
That I will cherish this moment, remember this moment,
Somehow walk away a better man from this moment,
The unique, the one and only, you.

On the Corner

I am a stranger, an interested stranger,
From where I sit I see something unique, something beautiful.
Allow me to introduce myself, allow me to remain a mystery,
It does not matter for I am content to watch you move ever so graceful,
Like a dove in flight, like a swan in leisure,
You move in moments, snapshots of stillness,
You breathe warmth into the room,
Someday I will say thank you, but for now I only find the need to smile,
Just know everytime I smile, I am speaking to you without words,
I smile as a privileged man should, for I am a witness,
A witness to something special, something indescribable,
I wish for you to pause when you when read this,
Pause and gaze at a rose in bloom,
Find patience, embrace patience and you will find reward in the end,
You will see a portrait of yourself.
I see something within your eyes,
Something so familiar, something memorable,
I see myself, see my depth, and see my desire to find purity.
I do wish for you to know one simple, undeniable, truth,
Yesterday has passed; for all of your smiles, I am thankful,
For all of your tears, I am sorry,
In my pocket I carry a mirror, a reflection of you,
I will carry with it anytime you may need,
You will not have to ask, I will know.
I may be a stranger, but I am man of sight,
In your eyes, I see years of experience,
Travels, journeys, triumphs and heartbreaks,
Through it all you have survived,
Flourished, grown, and blossomed,
For I am a stranger, in body, in soul,
But I am an admiring stranger,
I have been waiting on the corner, for someone like you,
I may never hold your hand, may never hold you,
No matter, I have found my dreams to be real,
My wishes have found fulfillment,
For that I say thank, sit on the corner,
Admiring and silent,
But never to far away,
Remember these words, not me,
For you deserve something more.


In waiting I stand without walking,
For my feet remained drenched in fear,
Who am I? I do not really know,
For the mirror hanging before me seems blank,
My hands seem like those of a stranger,
For where has my smile gone if not here?
Sometimes I think without thought,
Just lost I desire a place to call home,
Home! A funny word with so much meaning,
For my feet remain without shoes,
So am I home or just standing in comfort?
Who am I? I do not really know.
But my eyes seem familiar in the mirror,
Their depth reminds me of a tunnel,
A mystery of questions without answers,
For with each day I continue to grow,
Evolving from a child into a man,
In regards to love, I know of beauty,
For those within my heart remain perfect,
They take away my sadness, my rain,
When I think of them I think of me,
They speak through my smile, my laugh,
In thought of them I find reason,
A place that I think I will call home,
Funny! For I have found my mirror,
My smile speaks from my heart,
Where pictures of you remain in perfection,
Who am I? A simple man with perfect friends.


this is for a special person who has left us
Standing upon your bridge, I smile,
Looking upon the water into your eyes,
The fish swim within your image,
Never have you looked so beautiful,
My soul, my love, my grandson.

Even as my tears fall over my smile,
Crashing upon the water below,
I still find the time to remember you,
Your blue eyes look back at me,
My soul, My love, my grandson.

Your soul lives within me,
You had so many days before you,
How can I not miss your laugh,
If I could only hold you now,
My soul, My love, My grandson.

Sometimes we sit by your truck,
Hoping for you to come home,
I know you made heaven a better place,
That is why they choose you,
My soul, My love, My grandson.

The days will pass by without you,
Only they will never seem the same,
I will leave you a kiss in the wind,
For I say goodnight,
My soul, My love, My grandson.


The time has passed without you,
My love, my soul, my breathe,
My tears have fallen like the rain,
Quietly they have collected around my feet,
It is hard to laugh without you,
Somehow, I have carried on,
Ice cream will never be the same,
Nor will my days without you,
Never have I stopped loving you,
All you need to do is look for my smile,
You will search in eternity,
For my blank expressions will remain,
I still cherish your beauty,
For you made me blind to the sky,
For the sunset seems dim,
The stars somehow seem ordinary,
When I think of your beauty,
I miss your touch,
For you made me feel special,
You gave me your love,
How could I say thank you?
You honored me with your heart,
How could I say thank you?
We will always have each other,
I give you my friendship,
You will always be my love,
My soul and my breathe,
Goodnight my friend,
Goodnight my beauty,

Father’s Day Thoughts

My tears have run throughout the days,
So long, to long have you been gone,
You gave me breathe, life,
You held me as a child,
Walked with me as I grew,
Your smile told me how proud you were,
I hope that my grin spoke to you,
There was never a moment, a second,
That I was not proud,
For you were my father,
What more could I ask,
You presence spoke volumes,
As a man, you stood tall,
You taught me of the falling leaves,
Who if not you taught me of the wind,
You made love simple with your laugh,
Even when you were mad, I knew,
Knew a gentle soul made of mirrors,
You wore your heart on your sleeve,
Like a man should you admitted fault,
Like a king you stood in the rain,
Enjoying the moment, you remained dry,
You taught me of simple beauty,
Who if not you taught me of strength,
You held me when I fell,
Guided me when I was lost,
Now I sit and wonder,
How far is heaven,
For you are my father,
You still walk with me,
For within my eyes I see you,
For within my heart I still love you,
For within my days I still miss you,
My tears have not run dry,
So long, to long have you been gone.


Standing upon your grave, I weep,
For you have been gone for too long,
The moments have passed in the wind,
Your gentle way guides my sadness,
Mom misses you, within her soul,
You will forever be my father,
My smile, my thoughts, my eyes,
You breathe in my beating heart,
How I wish to make you proud,
Hold my hand above my smile,
Walk with me just like before,
Show me how to ride a bike,
I throw my ball weakly in the air,
You guide my pass in the wind,
Watching over me, I still know,
You will forever be my father,
Standing upon your grave, I weep.

A Moment

Distance falls short between us,
An admiring fool I just sit,
Looking through my amazed eyes,
A smile leaps from your lips,
Inspiring words of timeless beauty,
Your eyes speak of a pure soul,
Dozens of roses fall from your look,
Drowning men in waves of beauty,
Your hair runs in soft, patient lines,
Delicate, it surrounds you in sunshine,
With every word your spirit smiles,
White tones drip from your soul,
Every smile reminds me of a dove,
A free spirit looking for love,
A friend, a stranger, I almost know,
Two steps from walking away,
The night falls into the waiting sun,
With one last turn a sad goodnight,
For all the moments will remain,
Without a picture of beauty,
To guide my lasting words.

Crying Angel

Your tears fall under the night sky,
Strangers, we embrace in appreciation,
Do not cry my unknown angel,
Discover your beauty in my eyes,
For I see a gift within your soul,
Look within without blindness my angel,
Hold your hand just as another would,
Feel the touch of heaven within you,
For I see seven sunrises looking at me,
Seven beautiful rainbows standing in tears,
Why do you show me such emotion?
For I should be the one crumbling,
With wonder you have never known,
Known of my thoughts of desire,
Desire to give you a simple picture,
My tears hold within for you,
For my painting may never truly finish,
Brush strokes will never truly do,
For endless beauty has no color,
I leave my canvas littered white,
For purity should be your name,
So within white you are captured,
An angel, a fairy tale, a woman,
The stars twinkle in the distant sky,
Seeing you, nothing seems real,
Nothing for the stars lay upon my shoulder,
A shooting star so rare she cries in joy,
Do not cry for my words are for you,
For within my mind you will be my angel.

The Gift

My words fall to the ground like roses,
Walk upon the waiting pedals my angel,
Do not cry for my words are you,
Smile so you may hide the sun in light,
My door, forever, will be held open,
We must honor those who define beauty.

The sun rises over the waiting horizon,
My tired eyes write with respect of you,
Kiss the sky good morning my friend,
You have the touch of a blossoming angel,
Your eyes gave me a reason to grow,
My broken heart became whole in admiration.

The miles may grow between us,
Never will I be without images of you,
Just look in the endless oceans of horizons,
You give beauty a forever in your lines,
Lines traced into the pedals of a rose,
Holding one, now, all I can do is smile.

How do you say thank you for a breath,
Allow my friendship to give you life,
My words will serve as mirrors of birth,
Open your eyes my blind Juliet,
See your beauty in timeless respect,
Read my words if ever you do forget.

Gifts come to us even in people,
Find your soul of laughter my angel,
Give yourself all that I see in you,
For my part I will sit quietly in thought,
Quietly, waiting for the next shooting star,
Quietly, waiting for a tickling rain.

No matter the days that may pass,
The time will forever be slow,
Slow with thoughts of you,
Thoughts of your endless smile,
So many words may pass in time,
Only two will you need to know.

A gift.

Colliding Worlds

Snow falls all around me in quiet,
Worlds collide in simple fires,
Heat paints the horizon below me,
Anger curls around snowflakes,
We know of nothing except now.

Lights dance along the resting ground,
Paintings come to me in moments,
My lips rest upon the verge of fire,
The snow begins to fall heavier,
I know of nothing except now.

Acorns crackle in the distance,
There is still life even in cold,
My fire rumbles below my feet,
Holding me without shivers, I smile,
I know of nothing except now.

The sun begins to rise slowly,
Orange arms stretch towards me,
Snowflakes continue to fall,
Clouds hide the waiting day,
I know of nothing except now.

A single flake falls upon my nose,
Covering me in simple warmth,
My lips begin to smile with hope,
For the beauty of a found moment,
Stands, just in front of my, cold feet.


My love remains even without you,
Hold me to shed me of my tears,
Love me even in my crying moments,
Forever will my heart remain empty,
Along with my fading, quiet smile,
Where must I go to be found?

My shoulders remain even without you,
Whisper upon my falling deafness,
For my smile has faded into the wind,
The walls seem to be growing taller,
Sunrises fall behind clouds of sadness,
Where must I go to be found?

My eyes remain even without you,
Your picture falls upon waiting floors,
Tears falling upon your still photo,
My kiss covers your beautiful smile,
Still I breathe without you my breath,
For even without you, I remain, found.

A Day

Days of rain give way to sun,
Tears dry amongst growing smiles,
Spring showers grow with laughter,
Happy children play in thawed fields,
Love springs in endless rivers,
Kisses fall upon desiring lips,
Desires springs from rainbows,
Magic beams in rays of light,
Hope anew we find in birth,
Cherish a baby with love,
For the day finds life,
In endless wonder,
For today is just a day,
Except in the hearts of many,
Who find reason in desire,
Find love in their hearts,
Tears in their happiness,
They find life in the day,
Love in the moment,
Heart in the every second,
Wish for you will know,
The love of endless seasons,
The love of endless lifetimes,
The love of a new day.


Cool winds follow me along my journey,
Snow falls upon a lonely, lost beach,
Blankets of white cover seas of sand,
My footprints trace my every move,
The cold cuddles me into quiet,
Seagulls talk in the distant horizon,
One boat sails the tops of crashing waves,
We spend a moment together again,
If only in a moment of reflection,
I leave with a smile of cheer,
For we danced along the seven seas,
Walked upon grounds full of twigs,
Grew within beds of tall roses,
We found a life that only two could know,
Spending a moment together in reflection,
What could I ask for if not a moment with you?

Just Love

My clinched eyes tell a story of sadness,
A tear falls down my waiting cheeks,
Love whispers within my closing ears,
Mirrors live within my closed eyes,
Photos race through my tired mind,
Can you tell me where has my love gone?

Have you ever seen a moment of beauty?
My hands have been touched by falling water,
While I stood still reflecting amongst desert sands,
The sun has divided the hours reserved for darkness,
While the stars within her eyes twinkle in light,
Love can bring miracles simply met for one.

Walk with me down my road of simple desire,
Sit with me along rivers of cold rushing water,
Fall without hands to soften beds of softness,
As love will bring us beds of peaceful rest,
Do not step along rivers of fearful desires,
For love will guide the adventuress home.


Hello my lost soul, my friend,
Smile with the wind caressing you,
Hold me like no other before,
For with me we will forever be one,
Show me your beautiful smile,
Your lost soul has cried for so long,
Only you have feet full of miracles,
Touching the lives of so many,
Your words fall like raindrops,
Blessing smiles of those who read,
Show the world your waiting smile,
For only days, remain for us to live,
Hello my lost friend, my soul.


Sitting within a field of roses,
Pedals fall between my soft hands,
Sunrises litter the distant skies,
You come to me in the wind,
My smile reaches into heaven,
Where you sit upon the clouds.

The time has passed without you,
Days have fallen into night,
Your smile escapes from my eyes,
Laughter seems quiet without you,
The wind still guides my step,

You come to me in memory,
Guiding me when I am sad,
Never will a day pass without you,
Your smile will shine through me,
So for now, I can only say goodnight.

Just Waiting

Within a glass of water I sit,
Waiting for a moment, not lost,
Change within our lives is easy,
When eyes see through us,
Our glory sits within our laps,
Only arms fall short of reach,
For fear makes us comfortable,
Only we know there is more,
So fall upon the waiting ground,
For within water there is birth,
Within a glass of water I wait,
Wait, for what I do not know?

Falling Rain

The falling rain washes me away,
For my colors run upon cold ground,
My shivers run within my broken heart,
Turning the corner of wonder and lust,
My life turns to what I do not know,
No matter my road has begun anew,
In the distance, the sun may rise,
Maybe the rain will forever fall,
No matter my day is forever,
So my walk must begin again.


Snow falls from sky to ground with care,
Capturing the imagination of waiting kids,
Windows remain without closed blinds,
With wide eyes watching each flake in falling.

Walking with my eyes watching in closure,
The touch of beauty falls upon my cheeks,
Frosted they appear in colors made for roses,
Even in the cold, the chill fades away.

Falling upon the waiting ground, I lay,
With the wind the only sound haunting me,
Your voice calls within the distance,
Frozen my smile creeps into the cold night.

My hands stretch far beyond my wings,
Pictures come to me in flashes of white,
You were my waiting angel in the night,
The snow begins to bury me in happiness.

You are gone, but never have I forgotten,
My angel comes to me in lost moments,
Tracing her heavenly body, I begin to move,
My body finds beauty in heavenly motion.

In still motion I just lay, in still motion,
A tear collects upon my warm heart,
For spring seems to becoming in the distance,
So where will I find my angel, if not in the snow?

My Mountain

Standing upon the bottom with wonder,
We fight our own fears within judgment,
Hoping with hope that today is our reward,
My feet begin the journey with only water,
I walk in cautious steps with slow feet,
My journey starts anew within the sunrise.

My father stands within the clouds smiling,
Each steps seems endless in thought,
Reflection keeps me slow in my pace,
The new dawn inspires me to begin again,
Every wrong turn needs my apology,
For all I ever wanted was to find myself.

Walk with me in my newfound glory,
For my happiness is within reach my friend,
Love me for I love all that I can be,
My steps begin to quicken with spirit,
The hill was once a mountain without you,
Only I know my life was born to be more.

Forever will I miss your beautiful soul,
Your steps fade with the passing of time,
My journey continues without me,
My everything has faded away leaving me,
For judgment will remain with time,
Only my strength can overcome fears.

The mountain continues to fall,
Hope springs from every river,
My water falls to the floor in pieces,
Pausing upon the top within a spring,
My tired lips quenched in waiting thirst,
The sun begins to fall within the sky.

Sitting upon the top of my hill,
The glory of my travels comes to me,
A smile greets my blossoming soul,
The evening falls into the night,
Stars shine capturing wishes of men,
I remain in quiet knowing I have me.

My Little Bird

My love has left me standing alone,
For life gives to us days of challenge,
Even after years of love my heart knows,
That my little bird has flown away,
Along with her, she took my waiting smile.

She danced with me as I held her close,
We made love like two best friends,
Laughing we always knew our love,
Would last through eternal days,
Now my little bird has gone away,
Along with my tears, I still cry.

The leaves fall along with seasons,
As the road grows even with length,
Left with just a mirror I only know,
Of the times we smiled for no reason,
Now my little bird has gone away,
Along with my carefree days of lust.

Our time grew with each passing year,
My hopes rested in her waiting arms,
Where I found rainbows and shooting stars,
Now I know only of rainy days even in sun,
For my little bird has gone forever away,
Even though my love has not faded from my day.

The cold air bites at my neck with warmth,
Reminding me of the nights wrapped in cold,
Lovers like us created fires without light,
Even in her slumber she breathed in beauty,
But now my little bird has gone forever away.
Along with my laughing heart which has faded away.

A Step Without Me

The sun rises in front of me,
Trees begin to blow in the wind,
The leaves crumble all around,
They fall from earth to ground,
Fluttering in the winds of forever,
They tell the story of a coming.

The sun lights the clouds,
The thunder claps between the rain,
Lighting flashes in the distance,
The grass begins to grow,
Their seed falls in plenty,
Drenching the arms of me.

My hands reach for eternity,
Finding nothing on either side,
They try to reach further,
With unending love driving me,
My knees crumble to the ground,
My hands grasp each blade of grass.

Searching they know nothing,
The rain caresses my back,
The drops run their own path,
Waking me from my world,
They show me you again,
My smile returns for a moment.

The rain draws me to you,
Shows me the beauty of tears,
The lessons of sorrow are gone,
When I know you will return,
My feet stand once again,
Until I take another step.

Crying Nights

My crying tears collect nicely,
Upon my soaked feet I stand,
In thought of what I have lost,

Hold me, so my shivers may cool,
The wind decorates my lips in ice,
Lonely lips befriended by fate,

Lost my journey has no end,
Pictures of you haunt me,
Even in sleep, I still weep,

Missing you my friend,
I close my eyes in hope,
Hope in finding my lost,

My goodnight comes closer,
Moments pass as long days,
Missing you, who knows my end,

Tonight collides with tomorrow,
Still you will be lost to me,
So why do I find comfort in never?

The Wind

(In Memory Of My Father)

The days have passed in number,
Moments capture my thoughts,
My grieving heart wishes for you,
My hands trace your cheeks,
My eyes seem to miss your smile,
So I find myself walking amongst the trees.

My laughter comforts my lonely heart,
You meant so much to me I can not cry,
For you may be watching in heaven,
So I stroll through your gardens,
Waiting for you to speak with me,
Waiting for the wind to cry.

The nights seem long in waiting,
The days seem longer in purpose,
Walking amongst your shadows,
Your feet just seem to be a bit small,
Your shirts still hang in the closet,
So I wait for you to speak with me.

My hero you will always be,
For my heart has thrown away the key,
You will forever be a part of me,
So I wait, sitting quietly on a beach,
For the wind to speak with me,
From heaven to my heart,
You will always have the wind.


I wish, I think and I wish once more,
Shall I propose or is a proposal not enough?
Humbly I admit to my naivety for such beauty is one of a kind,
I am ordinary, but I wish to offer my ordinary heart to you.
Fulfill my dreams, answer my prayers and you will never seek gratitude,
In your presence I will be grateful,
Be weak enough to seek your hand, allow my tears to be visible,
Under an ocean of grateful tears, you will find me smiling,
Smiling for unspeakable reasons, I am silent in your presence.
Miracles are indescribable; you are miraculous, without equal,
I would have to speak with the lips of an angel,
Honorable words, words in honor of you, need to be spoken from heaven,
I am ordinary, but I wish to offer my silence in honor of you.

I wish, I think and I wish once more.
I looked within your eyes just once,
Fell in love for the first time, breathless love,
In your eyes, I saw rain,
A million roses falling from a million stars,
The pedals rained upon me, baptized me, overwhelmed my stature.
The view from my knees, my grateful, weak, knees,
Shall remain a part of me, shall define me,
I was a man absent of soul, until you,
From the first moment I realized my heart was too small, too simple,
I was in love with you, in lust, loved you,
When my heart grows tired, my soul will be there,
I am ordinary, but I wish to offer my soul to you, for eternity and beyond.

I am ordinary, but I wish to offer every part of me, will it be enough?

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