Who are we? What defines us? What is a dream? Do we dream without hope? Do we dream without sharing the essence of ourselves with another?

So many questions without true answers inspire thought within those who seek completion. In fact how do we find completion if our lives are destined to fade into the coming winds, as we are destined to fade into the dust from which we came? We are destined to return to where we once were the only mystery that truly exists is when we will return. So we must seek completion without regard to time. In fact we must seek completion, true satisfaction with every sunrise or we may fall short of capturing our dreams.

What is a dream? What separates us as people with the freedom to express our thoughts without fear is that we will define dreams differently. To me a dream is not expression of where we would like to be but instead the essence of dreams lies within the journey. I had a dream; I have fulfilled my dream and now wish to explore the depths of my dreams. I dreamt of being a creator, a man of words, who seeks fulfillment in inspiring others to think from within their heart. Some years ago, I experienced death on a personal level so thoroughly that it took me years to climb the unforgiving mountains of sorrow. I lost my father but on an even more personal level I lost a piece of me. He was a special man who deserves to be remembered as such, I think by honoring his memory as I do he realized his dreams. He is remembered.

So what is a dream if a dream is to be defined within a journey? A dream is an expression of desire so personal that we guard our dreams within our souls, expressing them to the few whom we trust to celebrate them no matter how big or small. Our dreams are an expression of freedom that is not defined or restricted by the reality that may surround us. What defines us is not solely our own thoughts but the people who surround us, the people who we refer to us friends, family and loved ones. The people who we share our lives with, our precious moments, our simplest of thoughts, are in fact the dreams we seek. We dream of being taller then everyone us but in the eyes of those whom we love we are in fact taller. We are dreaming of journeying to lands far and near. Did you ever notice a dream empty of love, empty of compassion or even empty of hope? Could any of us dream of journeying without love?
Our time is not guaranteed. Our waking on the morrow is not guaranteed. What is guaranteed then you may ask? Our ability to dream! Our ability to dream twice! Our ability to live a life of dreams! Our ability to dream even when our dreams seem distant is in fact guaranteed.

What makes dreams so special, so uniquely honest, is that we speak through our soul in our dreams. And if we are to live a life full of dreams then we will remember this single fact, nobody can take away our dreams.

As long as we dream we have hope! As long as we dream we have hope!


‘Full Equality under the Law’

Are we equal? Are we one?

As a matter of definitive truth those living within a state of equality are equal to one another. A state of equality is absent of color, race, religion, prejudice and the many other ‘isms’ that spark discrimination. A state of equality can only exist within a state of complete acceptance. If we are to look within the eyes of a stranger and see him as we see ourselves we must believe in his worth as a person. Believe in his worth as a human being even if he or she does not mirror our own image. Equality is within the eyes, the soul and the heart of a human being as within us equality can exist. Only with true equality can hope spread throughout our society and the world. How are we as people suppose to work for one another if we truly do not care for one another? How are we as people suppose to want something better for everyone who we do not perceive as equal? When did we become better then one another? When did we lose hope for one another?

Hope! In hope there is strength beyond any freedom we are guaranteed. With the guarantee of freedom comes the ability to be ourselves without prejudice. Hope defines the American dream as with hope even those less fortunate have an opportunity for true achievement. This section of the website will be dedicated to those among us who need to be reminded that hope still exists. When we watch the news or read the local paper we are reading headlines solely designed to capture viewers. Behind the headlines there are people whose lives are in turmoil or even worse in danger of being taken away by another. What the news keeps us from realizing is that behind every name is a person just like you and I. They walk, talk and breathe like everyone else except their life for whatever reason makes a good story. Living in the United States of America, we may live in one of thee, if the not thee, most comfortable societies in the world today. For all of our faults we live in a decent society that provides opportunity for everyone even if the struggle to succeed for some is longer then others. Even with all of our accomplishments we still have work to do. We need to begin to look beyond the headline to the real story beneath the glitz. Understanding our faults is the first step to embracing them. Understanding our faults will provide hope for those who need us to overcome difficulties in their lives.

In researching issues such as domestic violence or poverty I began to understand the scope of the problem. There are countless studies, countless stories of people in need that to list everyone would be impossible. Statistics can only help us to begin to understand the scope of social problems in our society. Maybe if we had a monument filed with the names of all the women who have been abused in the last ten years we then would come to understand the enormity of the problem. In the following few pages you the reader will find a collection of original work and statistics designed to educate you, to enlighten you. When you’re reading through the various issues try to picture the stories behind the numbers. Try to picture the faces of those who the numbers can not speak for no matter how shocking they may be. I could not possibly list all of the names behind the numbers but in creating this page my hope is to inspire you to educate another. In time maybe some of us will begin to volunteer our time, our thoughts and our voices to those who need us. In time maybe we will come together in a common desire to help those in turmoil or at risk. In time maybe we will begin to return to the ideals that Anmerica was built upon and refuse to leave another behind.

Domestic Violence

Some of us, hopefully most of us, probably could not imagine striking our child or significant other. Domestic violence may seem unfathomable to most of us but for many of us domestic violence is a very real issue. Unfortunately many cases of domestic violence go unreported so truly understanding the enormity of the issue may be difficult. Officials estimate between two million to as high as four million cases of domestic violence occur every year in America. While the exact number of cases may not be known what is known is that 572,000 cases are reported on an average year in America.


By itself the number four may seem underwhelming but when you find out that on an average day four women pass at the hands of their husbands or boyfriends. Four women, who had a story, had a life and maybe children gave their life for no reason. In fact the number of women killed in their own homes outnumbers the number of men killed in Vietnam. With over two million cases of domestic abuse there are many untold stories of survival. Some escape with just a few bruises while others are not so lucky. On average four hundred and forty six women a day require hospitalization because of injuries sustained at the hands of their husbands or boyfriends.

What about the children?

The impact on those who are victims of domestic violence is easy to see as the physical scars that remain behind serve as a constant reminder. Physical scars may heal over time but the emotional toll on the victims as well the witnesses is everlasting. Children raised in a home full of violence are more likely to be abusers themselves as they grow up. Studies show that a child is five times more likely to commit a violent act as a juvenile if he or she grew up in a home full of violence. If that is not scary enough think about the following fact. Seventeen percent of pregnant women report being abused during their pregnancy. Seventeen percent of pregnant women are abused leading to miscarriages, still births and developmental problems.

Is there hope?

In 1994 several organizations including the National Organization for Women helped secure a Violence Against Women Act in Congress. The bill allocated 1.8 billion dollars to address issues of domestic violence. The act was reauthorized in 2000 and continues to allocate money for programs to stop domestic violence. What can you do? The Violence Against Women Act is under review as the funding along with its principles is set to expire in 2005. What we can do is pressure Congress to reauthorize the act with even more funding and programs to stop the violence.


The air seems calm,
Quiet hallways speak through pictures,
In every photo a smile shines,
Nobody truly ever knew us,
My father stood tall,
My mother spoke quietly,
They seemed perfect,
The frames hung crooked to cover the walls,
We knew love, laughter,
Those were the days,
We knew sadness, tears,
Those were the nights,
My mother was beautiful,
Even in the darkness she glowed,
Loving, caring, beautiful,
She took the time to tuck me in,
Even in the darkest of nights she read,
Stories of wonder of amazement,
She escaped with me,
Fairy tales kept us together,
I prayed. a small child I prayed for her,
She knew him as her love,
The gentle man who kissed her,
Believing in tomorrow she never cried,
Not in front of my blue eyes,
She still whispers to me in the night,
Her loves shines brightly,
From heaven she has found peace,
My mom is woman of beauty,
Even to this day,
Everything is calm,
As everyone is gone,
Leaving me sitting here,
Wishing for my mommy,
Staring into the sky,
We barely knew one another,
Barely spoke,
Barely hugged,
You will be in my prayers,
Now I must sleep,
Sometimes I wonder,
Sometimes I think,
No matter,
I always wish,
For you.


Homelessness and Poverty

In beginning any discussion of those who need hope, those who need our support, we must begin with the homeless. What would you do without a home? What would you do if you child's room was without walls. Instead your child had to live without warmth? We have stereotyped the homeless as lazy, unmotivated or even as scam artists. So many of us have passed a person who is begging for food with a sign hanging just above his or her designer jeans and dismissed them as a joke. Homelessness is not a joke even though some may perceive it as one.

"In 2001, the average age of a homeless person in the United States was nine."

To begin to solve a problem we must begin to understand the problem. With equality comes an understanding of creation as those born here in the United States are born in equality. So why do we allow so many to remain behind? Why do we as Americans allow so many to wallow in poverty or even worse live not knowing where they will sleep on any given night? Most of us see children as the future, the hope of tomorrow, so my focus remains on the children who are part of the homeless culture. The following is five facts about homelessness which will be listed to educate you, horrify you and of course inspire you to think. After thought the next step is action.

Families are now the fastest growing segement of the
homeless population.

Nearly 20% of homeless children lack a regular source of
medical care.

41% of homeless children are under the age of five.

Homeless children are hungry more than twice as often as
other children.

Almost one third of low income families do not have enough
money to prepare three meals a day.

Homelessness transcends all segments of our society as homelessness is not restricted to age, race or gender. Just under three hundred thousand veterans are homeless on any given night in America. Veterans make up one-third of the male population when it comes to homelessness. Men who have served our country in order to preserve hope for future generations now reside in vacant buildings, shelters or even worse on the street. Why?

"In 2004, 105 violient crimes were reported againist
homeless men, women and children.

If the above mention statistic does not give you pause, then the fact that the youngest homeless person to be a vicitim of a violent crime was only five. Now imagine for a moment being that five year old child. What hope does he or she have left after such unfathomable events?

"Are we scared to admit the problem or are we just blind to its existence?"

Being naive to the problem will only extend the life of the problem. Some believe that we look past the homeless because we fear someone must be on the bottom. What if we were the ones already on the bottom would we want the people passing by to be blind to our existence? How about if you had your son or daughter sleeping next to you in a shelter or waiting on a line for a scrap of food? Being naive or blind to the problem will only extend the life of the problem.

"Tears do not fall in the cold even from a child's eyes. Do we not see them sleeping in the falling snow?"

The following set of poems are written to appeal to your sense of compassion. In the first poem, 'Thoughts From a Child," a young boy is writing to those who are passing by his father without compassion. Passing by without recognize him as a person and of course as his father. The man is wandering the streets but his story may surprise you. The second poem, Different, examines the division between rich and poor.

Thoughts From A Child

Use thought to inspire reason,
Do not speak without knowledge,
Some sit lonely amongst the weeds,
Others travel from home to home,
Do not speak unless you have walked,
Walked without shoes down lonely streets,
You know nothing of the rain,
Until you sleep at the mercy of a shower,
You know nothing of the cold,
Until you slumber unable to cry,
For your tears dry into icicles,
Breathing to know you’re still alive,
You hope for the sun to warm you,
As the clouds bring more rain,
Do not speak without knowledge,
Your words will only be empty,
Just as your heart will still be warm,
Speak from the cold, the rain,
Know your neighbor even in death,
For he may not make the morning,
He has survived too many winters,
Your journey has just begun,
Walking the same path twice in hunger,
You search without reward,
Hoping for a chance, a single gift,
You read the store windows for fun,
So many happy faces look past you,
Your soul makes you human,
Your clothes say something different,
People pass by you in disgust,
For you must be lazy or insane,
They feel sorry for you in passing,
Some even joke as they hurry by,
Even so you carry on in hope,
Smiling for no other reason but to smile,
Do not judge without knowledge,
For you once had a home,
Walls, with pictures that defined you,
Remember the photo of Susan,
She knew you as her sunshine,
Never did I see her without a smile,
Remember your porch, your stove,
In the cold we knew heat,
In the summer we knew the sunset,
Lying in the grass you cuddled,
We grew as a family with you,
Without you we sit in heaven,
Crying for you, comforting you,
Do not crumble without us, father,
Your time will come in time,
Remember me with a smile,
Picture mom with a chuckle,
Never to far away, never close enough,
Do not judge without knowledge,
For I knew him as a person,
Loved him as my father, my mentor,
Fate took us from his loving hands,
Behind his weathered look lives a man,
In his tired eyes there is a soul,
Do not look past him, help him,
Hold his hand and let him cry,
For he is my father, my mentor,
Unable to smile he left his home,
With the closing of the door he forget,
Memories live forever,
Give him your love,
Hold is hand in the rain,
Grasp his palm as he waits in lust for fate,
Show him a mirror absent of judgment,
Learn of his story, his sadness,
Heal him with your love, my friend,
No one but you will be good enough,
For he is my father, my mentor,
I will give you my heart, my soul,
Already in heaven I have given my life,
Just seven God chose me to be here,
Mommy sits next to me in waiting,
Will you judge without knowledge?
When I smile I know you will,
Maybe you will find him to be loving,
He knows how to be a good friend,
Lost in the shadows of yesterday,
Living in the memories of me,
How come you can not see him?
The man, a father, the person,
He is not homeless nor is he poor,
The street signs do not point in any direction,
For he is lost without my smile,
Give him direction my friends,
Give him a chance to see himself,
For he may be homeless, without walls,
But the rugged looking object you pass,
Will forever be my loving father,
Say goodnight to him for me,
For he may not hear me from heaven.


Hungry men desire food,
They know nothing of meals,
For they search for scraps,
Only to find an apple,
They become grateful men.

Poor children search for fun,
Hoping to find a toy,
They do not ask for a closet,
Only a moment to smile,
They become grateful children.

Tired women work endless hours,
In search of a dream, a vision,
They hope with hope for tomorrow,
Tired women only ask for one day of rest,
They become grateful rested women.

Simple people only ask for simplicity,
For quiet moments full of life,
Inspire those with simple desires to smile,
Smile in love, in purity, in soul,
Simple people share in happiness.

People of status live in wealth,
Not thoughtful of the day,
For they waste what they do not need,
Never searching for another meal,
They remain satisfied only in excess.

The first step is education, as with knowledge comes acceptance. Acceptance that homelessness is a real issue that needs our attention. Homelessness and poverty are two issues facing the poor in America. Poverty does not restict itself to the homeless as many working families live in poverty. Just as with homelessness, poverty does not equal laziness.


The above number represents the imaginary line between rich and poor in the United States of America. An individual making 18,500 dollars may be able to support himself without any luxury or true expense. But a family of four in the United States is considered to be living in poverty if they make less then 18,500. A family of four! The percentage of Americans living in poverty has declined over the last two decades but the fight is far from over.

35.9 million

In 2003 over twelve percent of the U.S. population was living in poverty. Over thirty five million people were living under the poverty line. While the percentage of Americans living in poverty may have dropped the total number of Americans living in poverty has increased as well as the number of children living in poverty. Almost thirteen million children under the age of 18 were living in poverty in 2003.

43 Seconds

In 2001 every 43 seconds a child was born into poverty. Were not talking about the third world or Africa, were talking about the United States of America. Every 43 seconds a child is born into poverty so I ask what does that say for our future? In the time it has taken you to read these words a child was born without health insurance. As of 2002 over nine million children were without health insurance.


Do you think that poverty is a racial disease that only effects certain races. The truth is that white non-hispancs make up forty four percent of the people living in poverty. The poverty rate may be lower then other races but the total number of those living in poverty is not zero. Poverty does not know race nor does it know sexual orientation.


Thirty nine percent of those living in poverty make less then half of the actual poverty rate. That means almost 18 million people are living on less then nine thousand dollars a year. We all know that nine thousand dollars in America will not get you very far so why do we allow people to live in such conditions? Knowledge, the lack of our own care and knowledge allows people to live under these conditions. Tomorrow is upon us so why should we allow those living in poverty or without a home to be absent from our thoughts. We can not and will not allow another day to pass in silence.

A Father's Wishes

Slowly walking in determined steps,
Pain lingers in my weary legs,
Too many mountains stand before me,
Time has passed slowly from birth to now,
Time is all I have without my family,
We work in need of today,
Some save for the coming of tomorrow,
My little girl lives in the day,
She never goes hungry like I,
Nor does my wife who fills me,
Fills my life with beauty,
I toil for them even when I’m tired,
We live quietly in two rooms,
Two smaller then most,
We make it work even in the cold,
Our home is absent of heat,
My little one sleeps with two blankets,
While my wife and I share one,
My little beauty is my future,
I toil for her in love,
She already has my smile,
Now she has my life, my heart,
Some hope for a thousand years,
Other wish for gold or diamonds,
I wish for her to be warm, to smile,
For she is my angel, my little one,
All I ask is for her to be my daughter,
Do not leave me behind as you grow,
I always tried to be better, my love,
To many mountains, to many steps kept us here,
You will be a queen; you’re already an angel,
Go to sleep with comfort my little one,
For your daddy sleeps close,
Keeping away the demons,
Keeping away the cold,
My little one sleeps with three blankets,
Next to my wife while I slumber happy but cold.


Global Warming

Who is more defenseless then Mother Earth? She lacks a voice to speak up for herself. She lacks hands to strike back but without her we have nothing. She provides us a home. She provides us a place to observe beauty. She provides us with a place to find simplicity and for those who are paying attention, a place to be free of judgement.

What is Global Warming?

The Earth as an ecosystem is changing, attributable in great part to the effects of globalization and man. More carbon dioxide is now in the atmosphere than has been in the past 650,000 years. This carbon stays in the atmosphere, acts like a warm blanket, and holds in the heat — hence the name ‘global warming.’

The reason we exist on this planet is because the earth naturally traps just enough heat in the atmosphere to keep the temperature within a very narrow range - this creates the conditions that give us breathable air, clean water, and the weather we depend on to survive. Human beings have begun to tip that balance. We've overloaded the atmosphere with heat-trapping gasses from our cars and factories and power plants. If we don't start fixing the problem now, we’re in for devastating changes to our environment. We will experience extreme temperatures, rises in sea levels, and storms of unimaginable destructive fury. Recently, alarming events that are consistent with scientific predictions about the effects of climate change have become more and more commonplace.

Environmental Destruction

The massive ice sheets in the Arctic are melting at alarming rates. This is causing the oceans to rise. That’s how big these ice sheets are! Most of the world’s population lives on or near the coasts. Rising ocean levels, an estimated six feet over the next 100 years or sooner, will cause massive devastation and economic catastrophe to population centers worldwide.

The United States, with only four percent of the world’s population, is responsible for 22% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. A rapid transition to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources will combat global warming, protect human health, create new jobs, protect habitat and wildlife, and ensure a secure, affordable energy future.

Health Risks

Malaria. Dengue Fever. Encephalitis. These names are not usually heard in emergency rooms and doctors’ offices in the United States. But if we don’t act to curb global warming, they will be. As temperatures rise, disease-carrying mosquitoes and rodents spread, infecting people in their wake. Doctors at the Harvard Medical School have linked recent U.S. outbreaks of dengue fever, malaria, hantavirus and other diseases directly to climate change.

Catastrophic Weather

Super powerful hurricanes, fueled by warmer ocean temperatures are the “smoking gun” of global warming. Since 1970, the number of category 4 and 5 events has jumped sharply. Human activities are adding an alarming amount of pollution to the earth’s atmosphere causing catastrophic shifts in weather patterns. These shifts are causing severe heat, floods and worse.