"Within our eyes we live."
To define life we must first define the art of living. For some find life in material success while others search for life in material possession. None of which has anything to do with life itself. For true life exist within the small moments of unexplainable happiness we share with others. To find a laugh within a gift speaks volumes of the giver even if their taste does not match ours. For someone to inspire a thought within our hearts speaks volumes of our mystery friends for we may have found beauty within their smile. To define life seems easy for the art of living, not the art of survival, is within the peaceful moments of bliss we share within the presence of a significant other. Life begins within the shadow of our homes where those who give us life truly give us life. They teach us to feel the wind, to see the stars and they give us heart. For those within our homes inspire us to love for the first time with their warm heart cuddling us at every turn. From there we turn to strangers, whom we label as friends to help us grow as people. They inspire us to explore the world from the treetops, from the rivers and beyond. We share another part of our soul with them as we find a new understanding within them. To complete the cycle we continue to grow like big children in search of eternity. We desire to find love within the arms of another, no matter our choice; we create a new home with them. Day after day we continue to grow even past our earthly moments of body. For we live on in the lives we touch, like magicians we seem to never disappear. Only time disappears so why not find life in the day when we have a choice to live?
"Within our hearts we feel..."
Expressions of life can only help us to understand the need for hope. When we open our eyes in thought we see a world full of beauty and romance. When we sit upon a sandy beach watching a sunset we see a world of color exploding before our eyes. Watching a sunset is an experience for those who choose to live within their souls. For those who watch only with their eyes miss the colors that surround the horizon with just a sliver of exposure. The yellow of the sun’s rays may dominate the sky but on the fringe lives an assortment of reds and purples. Within those colors, we find a unique beauty that only those created in deepness will ever know.
"For within depth we find a world of mystery,
an awakening of sorts,
that inspires us in an eternal quest
for beauty."
Whether for romance or for friendship we must find ourselves in thought of another. For within our love for another we must challenge our thoughts to think of tomorrow in terms of beauty. If nothing else, we must leave a gift for those who are to follow us. The gift of beauty may seem too simple but if we are to leave one rose decorated in white, then will those who un-wrap our love find a smile?”
"Simplicity is the art of finding desire in
small moments of unexplainable joy."
So in the end we learn of ourselves through the eyes of another. We learn to find joy in their smile even if we do not understand their reason for such happiness. For their smile provides us with a moment of hope, that may spark an eternal desire for hope within us.
"Treasure the one who provides you with hope
for their gift,
may become your breath when you grow tired."
Why Hope?
Why hope? Hope can create miracles within ordinary lives. Hope can give people a desire to strive for something better. Hope is an ideal that we as people strive to acquire. There are too many lost within seas of hopeless struggles for basic needs. When we examine the world, we see millions of men and women living without homes or food. When we examine our own lives, we will find lost hope within our acceptance of what we have become. We still strive for a better tomorrow since within our lives remains a glimmer of hope. We strive for the dream that so many reach for without thoughts of what they have left behind. What we have left behind is our soul that begs to be touched with loving hands. What we have left behind is a sea of people that will never have even a glimmer of hope. Instead, we choose to push forward with a sympathetic sigh of acceptance. Why Hope? Why leave people behind if we only have one chance to live. Who are we to leave those who we consider inferior in some way without hope? We are people, born people, so why do we act with indifference to those in need. Why Hope? Hope is a gift given to us in the dawn of a new day. So why not pass on the gift of hope to those with whom we share the day. A smile can be a gift to those who do not know of hope! So why not give a gift and receive a smile within your lips in return? If we choose to give hope to those who have been lost then we to will find a new hope.
"Life is a ticking clock
with no clear ending
so why wait in frozen time
to light the winds of change
with hope."
Mirrors gives us a chance to see within ourselves, for who we are will never be who we see. Writing my own biography gave me a chance to explore my own self in terms of my being.
Who is Thomas Hope?
Life for the most part is a series of challenges that mold us into what we will become. It is during these times that we as people are challenged to leave our mark within this world. Thomas Hope has found life within his desire to leave his mark upon the world. Through his words, he desires to challenge his readers lost emotions and push them to recapture their most intimate desires. Thomas Hope finds his words from his own experiences and the experiences of countless others, which will for the reader make his fictional stories, seem real. Throughout his life, he has found moments of laughter, sorrow and thoughts. All of his emotions whether they were single in nature or felt dually have taught Thomas Hope that life is always somehow about learning. It is when we stopping learning from one another and we find time only to survive that we forget what life is truly meant to be like. The education of Thomas Hope the writer began with his parent’s separation. His parents spent a few years battling through many obstacles but somehow their love survived. Throughout these years, Thomas Hope discovered the true meaning of love and understanding. From his parents he learned about the depth of a person’s heart. Their love may have changed throughout their years together, but even the most difficult of challenges could not tear them apart from one another. His family spent many years in constant turmoil but somehow the bond was never broken. In the end, the bonds became stronger, as his father showed his compassionate side to a forgiving family. In the years following the bonds where tested again when Thomas Hope’s father lost his job to downsizing. The family worked together for the most part helping one another to persevere. Throughout this time Thomas Hope was taught humility from his father who went from the sole provider to sharing the responsibilities with his wife. Thomas Hope also learned that life is unpredictable and that we should appreciate everything that we have. It was not until the death of his father that Thomas truly developed a love for writing. Upon his father’s death, he began to reflect not just upon his life but his father’s life as well. His father passed away at the age of fifty-seven, which is much too young but much older then others. His father’s death was shocking but left within Thomas many questions. Did his father live a full life or was his death unfair to his dreams? His father worked harder then most his whole life providing for his family and looked forward to enjoying a fruitful retirement. Before his death, his first grandchildren were born but they had just begun to grow.
"We find truth within ourselves,
When we find the time to look."
Reflecting upon his father’s life on a much broader scale Thomas Hope began to see the inequality present amongst people. He saw to many people struggling to survive instead of living like so few where doing. Most of us do not take the time to appreciate all of the little things in our lives that have no value. They may have no value but they are priceless. Thomas Hope the writer hopes to bring his readers back to the time where the value of a person’s love is what guided us into our nightly slumber. Thomas Hope learned about love not just from his family but also from his own experiences. Love inspired Thomas Hope to begin his poetic scribbling in hopes of winning the heart of his Juliet. His poetic scribbling began to transform itself into a series of short romantic stories detailing his love. Thomas Hope found love to be inspiring in so many ways that his love for writing grew from the beauty of his Juliet. She captured the heart and mind of Thomas Hope as he continually searched for ways to describe her heavenly beauty. With the death of his father firmly behind him and the love of his love firmly in place, Thomas Hope began to look into tomorrow. He desired to see a world where the beauty of his soul mate could exist and the memories of his father could be at peace. He began to see a world where his mother, his friends and his family could enjoy the simple things. Thomas Hope had by this point written thousands of poems, short stories and the eulogy to his father’s funeral. The memory of that day had stuck with him as he began to understand the power of words. Not just of words but the power of the emotions that words carry with them, if the writer chooses to inspire those around him. From their, with his philosophical thoughts dictating his writings, he authored his first full-length novel in memory of his father. Going to School with Abraham, when released this spring will embody his universal views concerning love, friendship and honesty. Thomas Hope, the writer, has begun his journey with the hope that in the end he can find lives to touch with the purity of true emotion. In the end Thomas Hope, the author, hopes to dispel the myth that change is not within are being as people. Instead, Thomas Hope, the poet, looks forward to the challenge of opening people’s minds to change. Change not just for ourselves but also the lives that may never cross our path here on earth. Thomas Hope wants to inspire people to believe in hope again. He wants to bring people into their world by challenging their basic human emotions. Thomas Hope wants to show the world once again that everything that is priceless is everything that truly has value. Thomas Hope wants to show the world that the beauty of one person such as his Juliet can inspire a man to reach beyond his own limits as a person. Reach for the sky no matter how far away, with the goal of bringing back hope to our world. Hope for a better tomorrow not just for us but for all who desire a new sunrise.
“Love is the one emotion that will forever
hold the candle of hope in eternal
Where have we been...
The world has forever been in motion changing with each passing day… The hands of time have passed away along with the simplicity of days gone by. The world was close even though neighbors were separated by distances. The shores of oceans separated grounded men from becoming explorers for the oceans were in their glory. Families were families even beyond the holiday celebrations of today. Love was all we had for the nights were lit with stars. The same stars that left a distant generation with a sense of wonder and a place for discovery. The world was simple……..
Where have we gone...
The sky became a place for men to show their power as the world shrunk in distance. The streets became lined with people just trying to find their place. Faces changed along with the idea of family, which began its fight for survival along with the rest of us. Where have we gone as people when our idea of living disappeared into countless hours of labor? Where have we gone when families gather for the holidays with foreign relatives we hope to know again? Where have we gone when children struggle to find homes or food? Where have we gone?
Where are we going...
Looking in closed mirrors, we hope to see the person who we were when life was simple. Come with Thomas Hope down roads of thought which hope to inspire your heart to reach for glory. Come with Thomas Hope down roads paved with love for you even though we have never met. In the end where we are going is back to a time gone by. Where we are going is where we were when we knew who we were. A place where we find ourselves not just surviving but rediscovering that living is so much more then today. Come with Thomas Hope on a road of self discovery which in the end will help us find what we have lost……..HOPE
Where is the end...
The end is within our forever for time will carry on even without us in the hearts of those who we leave behind. From dust to dust, we find our souls in those who we choose to love without judgment. Therefore, in the end we must begin the fight for true life through thought and emotion. The battles for borders will last forever if we choose to see the borders that take the life of young men. We must stand as one with a new hope for all who choose to fight for life. Surviving will never be enough for those who choose to live through survival. Therefore, in the end we as one will look to the future will smiles and heart. We as one will look to the future with love and thought. For in the end we will not only find days but we will find life within those days...
"Within our souls we find hope."
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